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Fight Stories

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In all honesty almost all my streetfights have ended in one punch or kick since I started trainging the martial arts, except one. I had just started working on the Indian reservation where I work and I knew no one. I road around with another Officer for 3 days and then was left on my own. I responded to a domestic violence call and was told the male subject involved had a warrant. When I arrived I made contact with a male in his late fifties to early sixties. He told me that the fighting couple had left. I entered the residence and looked around. I asked my dispatch for a discription of the suspect and he gave it to me and it matched this individual. I asked the suspect for identification and he said that he had none. He then ran into the back bedroom. I chased him and found him reaching into a closet in the bedroom. I grabbed his wrist and told him he was under arrest. He yanked away and came up swinging. I blocked his punches grabbed his arm and flipped him onto the bed. I then mounted him, pulled out my cuffs and was trying to get him flipped over to cuff him. He grabbed my cuffs and was trying to get them away from me. I reached for my pepper spray and he used the bouyancy of the bed to flip us both off the bed. I lost my grip on the handcuffs but he didn't he jumped up and struck me high on my forhead with the cuffs while I was regaining my feet. I sprayed him with pepper spray. He charged me swinging the cuffs like brass knuckles. I caught his wrist spun him around and sprayed him at point blank range in the face. Police Officers are trained after they spray someone with OC (pepper spray) to step back and let it cook on the suspect. I did this and he immediatly jumped forward and struck me in the exact same spot with the cuffs again. I then pulled out my collapsable baton (asp) and extended it. At this time I was not certified with the asp I had always worked with a PR 24 (side handle baton) or a straight baton non collapseable. He charged me again and I caught his wrist again and spun him around and struck him across the outer thigh targeting the common peroneal nerve(I probably did not spell that right) and the baton collapsed on me making the strikes ineffective. He then pulled away from me and came at me striking with the cuffs again I reextended the baton and at this point I decided it was him or me so I struck his lead hand later finding out that I broke it and struck him twice to the head. He continued forward. At this point I stepped back out of the bed room into the hallway I dropped the baton and drew my firearm. I was taking the slack out of the trigger as I was bringing it up. As I was leveling the pistol on the suspect's chest he shut the bed room door between us. I walked out to my unit and called for backup and an ambulance. 20 minutes later a Conservation Officer

(a game warden) arrived who was the nephew of the suspect. We cleared the house and the suspect had fled out the back window. I was covered in blood (most of it my own) from the cut on my head. I was taken to the hospital and recieved 5 stitches. My chief picked me up at the hospital and informed that the suspect was a marine sniper in Viet Nam and had resisted arrest every time any one had tried to arrest him. My chief told me that the suspect had fled into the woods and he did not know how long it would take to catch him. I looked up and told my chief that the suspect was walking down the road in front of us. We stopped I jumped out and cuffed him. He did not resist. I took him to the hospital and then to jail he was in no condition to go to court the next day. I answered 3 more domestics that night. I still have traffic with that guy sometimes but we treat each other with a lot more respect than we did that night.

Victory or a reasonable alternative.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A long time ago in my stupid youth, I was super drunk and mouthing off in a bar on New Years Eve. I got booted by the bouncers, then I continued being an idiot outside. Some guy got out of a limo full of chicks and tried to chill me out. I mouthed off to him too, so he punched me once right in the face. I was so drunk I fell down on my rear and just sat there. I realized at that moment that I was a complete moron, so I just said, "good punch!" and stumbled home. The next day I watched the Rose Bowl with a big black eye, humbled but proud to wear it as a badge of growing up some that night.

I totally deserved it.

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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  • 1 month later...

Some guy grabbed my collar the last week at school, I grabbed his wrist, pushed back, grabbed my wrist, and bam....Kimura. Waitied for the substitute to grab him away. All because I accidentally stepped on his shoes! Highschool....

A New Age Dawns

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd say you did great, brother. Sometimes they won't let it go and won't let you NOT fight. Great job protecting your wife and yourself. Chalk up a success and thank yourself and your instructors. Then uncork a bottle of champagne with your wife.

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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  • 5 months later...

Ahh, brotherly love... I taught my younger brother some kicks and stuff when we were younger.. When he got older he taught my even younger brother, I regretted it for years! :lol: .. Lol. Now my middle brother favours BJJ moves, (no idea how he got them from :-? ) and our younger brother is on his way to becoming a boxer... That was meant as a cautionary tale :wink:

The first person to call me mate gets a punch in the throat...

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I remember once at school some kid grabbed me round the throat (trying to impress his friends), then I performed a kote gaeshi (wrist twist) on him, and he soon let go!

Another time my mother's friend was being assaulted by a semi drunk man who swung for me, I swayed back and caught both his wrists.

He then went on to say "you're lucky I didn't hit you". I said "no, you're lucky you didn't hit me!"

After about 3 minutes he was pleading that I let go of his wrists, I did finally when his mum turned up and told him to get in her car!

He did with his head hung in shame.

They were the only times I have ever physically used self defence. Mentally is another matter, and involves many more instances.

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  • 2 years later...

I personally did not fight in this story, but this is epic none the less

Three kids at my local school kept following my girlfriend and I around and harassing us. They were all about 14 while my girlfriend and I were 15. They kept harassing my girlfriend making sexually explicit comments then one of them ran up to her a spanked her. Ready to show him the error of his ways, I didn't have time before my girlfriend turned around and roundhoused the kid right in the head. But she wasn't done, she proceeded to uppercut another kid and when the last tried to run, she grabbed him by the back of the collar and slammed him into the ground. I love my girlfriend.

I am not a fighter, I am a guardian.

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  • 2 months later...

about a month ago i had this guy i knew from my youth that got banned attack me with a knife. i had apparently said some stuff about his GF but it was lies.

before he had a chance to pull the knife i punched kizami and sweeped his leg. called the cops and he was still out of it by the time they arrived. oh btw im a white belt grading to yellow.


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