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Protecting a friend

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Alright, today at lunch(I sit outside) this kid came up to one my friends (a girl) and was apparently about to harm her. She said something to him a few days ago and he finally came up and was about to do something. Well knowing this as I saw him come I got in front of her and told him to leave. He wouldn't do it and was pretty intent on fighting me and so he pushed me and then walked away and (Yea this is childish I know) I was about to go up to him and start something but my friends were holding me back. Anyways tomorrow I'm not going to try to start anything but will protect my friend no matter what. and apparently he has some anger management issues/ has pulled a knife on a teacher and so on.. But I came here for a little advice seeing as I haven't fought in a long time and I guess a little rusty. I just want to be ready if he tries anything so he can't get to her. I was in Taekwondo for about 2 years but I unfortunately quit it a while back. I remember every strike or move I was taught and can execute most of them smoothly (although still a little rusty). Any advice on what to do if he attacks or if i have to do a pre emptive strike? I tried avoiding this but he wouldn't let it go.

Thanks in advance : /

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He pulled a knife on a teacher? Um, this is where you MUST get the school involved. Than again, since he hasn't been expelled for threating to stab a teacher of all people, you might want to consult your parents and contact THE POLICE if it gets any more out of hand. This guy's a scumbag and you shouldn't have to (nor should you) deal with him. Do all that you must to start an initiative on the school/law's part (remember, they can't see everything that you guys do), but drop it once they take over.

Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.

~Theodore Roosevelt

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Well for now I'm not sure if the knife thing is a rumor thing or not but I know for sure that he brought a bat to school once..yea. But if they don't do anything and he hits her I don't know if I'll be able to control what I do. Ugh I hate guys who are complete jerks.

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I agree with NightOwl. Tell someone who can put a stop to this. Remember the first thing a martial artist is taught is to avoid a fight if possible. Plus it sounds like this guy might fight dirty. If he is armed and you are not, then it will be hard to stop him without taking damage. NOT WORTH IT!

But of course, he may come looking for trouble since you already thwarted his evil plan once before. So just brush up on your moves just in case. Do some shadow boxing or bag work to shake off some of that rust. If he approaches you, keep your distance or fight. One or the other. Don't let him reach you before you reach him. If you must hurt him, you would be justified since he is a known criminal (carrying weapons to school and threatening teachers are illegal). If a guy with a rep like that came at me, I would drop him quickly.

Just don't go overboard. If you injure him, you will be the criminal. Remember you are expected to do the MINIMUM required action to stop someone from hurting you or your friend. But you are not allowed to go crazy, no matter how mad you are. (Example: If he punches, you can punch but you can't use a knife. If he pulls a knife, you could grab a rock or stick or other weapon, but not a gun.) Just end the problem as gently as possible then stop. Only resume if he comes back for more. Of course, you have probably heard all this before. I'm just reminding you in case your anger has taken your focus off of the laws. I have been there before myself. Someone pulled knife on me once and I whipped out my nunchaku and beaned him. Then I remembered that nunchaku is an illegal weapon and I could have gone to jail if I got caught. Lucky me that no one was around to see.

Good luck.

Paranoia is not a fault. It is clarity of the world around us.

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Alright, today at lunch(I sit outside) this kid came up to one my friends (a girl) and was apparently about to harm her. She said something to him a few days ago and he finally came up and was about to do something. Well knowing this as I saw him come I got in front of her and told him to leave.

Have you talked to the female friend who he is trying to harm? Do you know the full story? Have you explained to her some things she can do to help the situation?

He wouldn't do it and was pretty intent on fighting me and so he pusheme and then walked away and (Yea this is childish I know) I was about to go up to him and start something but my friends were holding me back.

Your right about it being childish. Just keep in mind that your trying to stop someone from harming one of your friends. Putting yourself in between the 2 people seems to have worked well for now. Because he pushed you and maybe hurt your ego a little does that mean you should try and harm him now? Well thats for you to decide, but when your trying to stop someone from doing something be careful that you dont start doing the thing your trying to stop... i.e attacking and harming someone.

It takes much more strength to walk away and not push back and not attack to give him some kind of satisfaction or try and prove something, than it does to give in to your anger and go after the guy.

Anyways tomorrow I'm not going to try to start anything but will protect my friend no matter what.

Its very honourable that you are trying to protect your friend, talk to her about the situation(if you havnt already) you may want to stay close to her for a while until things cool down and the guy seeing you 2 together will give him a clear message that you will protect your friend.

and apparently he has some anger management issues/ has pulled a knife on a teacher and so on.. But I came here for a little advice seeing as I haven't fought in a long time and I guess a little rusty. I just want to be ready if he tries anything so he can't get to her.

You have to ask yourself if the best way to deal with an angry violence person is to fight fire with fire? The person with the more "fire" is going to come out on top. A physical response should be the last thing you should be thinking about.

I was in Taekwondo for about 2 years but I unfortunately quit it a while back. I remember every strike or move I was taught and can execute most of them smoothly (although still a little rusty).

How often did you execute these techniques against someone coming at you with the energy of a person who would pull a knife on a teacher and wants to harm a female? My guess is never. Does that mean what you learned wont work? It might, but without performing it against real energy its a possibility, not a probability.

Any advice on what to do if he attacks or if i have to do a pre emptive strike? I tried avoiding this but he wouldn't let it go

You have the power to let it go aswell. If nothing else happens with the guy, forget it. Dont let your anger take over. If something else happens, dont automatically assume a physical response. Do whatever you can to avoid the situation. There are far 2 many cons that come from fighting. Assuming you can beat him the first time, will that end the situation? Will his friends get involved? Will he pull a knife or worse on you? Will it make him want to harm your friend even more?

IF however he is posing a direct physical threat to yourself or your friend and you have to defend yourself.. not fight...then i suggest you hit first, hard and often until you can get away.

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Cross has good advise.

It appears that intervention on your part has worked so far, so hopefully, it keeps working. That is the route that I would take. Watch him, though. Watch him close. Try to know where he is when he is around. Be aware.

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Your school must be far different than the one I went to. If a student were to pull a knife on a teacher, not only would they be immediately expelled from the school, but they would be facing criminal charges(as an adult, not a minor). Like everyone else has been saying, make sure you talk to an adult at your school, and if you have one, the community officer for your school.

I'm not sure that you're going to have a problem with him though, as he just pushed you and walked away. Most bullies don't like it when people stand up to them. They're looking for a victim, not a fight. Defend yourself and your friend ONLY if necessary and even then, it's best to just try and keep him at a distance until someone comes to break it up if possible to do so safely. If you attack him in this zero tolerance world that we live in, you might wind up getting expelled as well, even if it is self defense.

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unfortunately, sometimes talking isnt an option that is available, although since u have some time before he tries again (if hes even gonna try again) it shouldnt be much of a problem...

if push really does come to shove, you should see if one of your friends will help you out, because in a situation like this seeing as it would be at school more than likely, you should try and get a friend to just trip him up while hes occupied with u, and then try and keep him restrained until a teacher/principal can intervene, then legal action (assault charges) etc should definately be thought of, cause this is in my eyes a serious threat...

i hope nothing comes of this for the sakes of you and your friends... i wish u luck man

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Next time you see him come up to you keep an eye out for his hands. If they go for a pocket, create distance.

You dont want him to pull a knife while you are close to him, not giving you to react if he swings it.

If he pull the knife, keep that distance even if you need to run. If you get trapped, NEVER EVER try to fight unarmed a armed person, grab a chair. After all its a school. People tend to gain more confidence if they have an advantage. With a chair it will make him talk more and do less. And KEEP the distance.

I dont know how you guys in the US have that shoving thing, but where i live no one shoves or pushes people around. I mean if someone pushed or shoved me i would imediatly assume that they where assaulting me and would punch/kick him.

Aslo dont let people surround you, its awfull.

I was wonce surrounded by 3 people (+wall) and it was totaly frustating.

Also if you ever see someone pull a knife on someone in your school and the teatchers dont do anything, you find someone who also saw it and go to the police saying you wish to press charges (even as a minor).

This will totaly force to school to act.

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