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Gi weight-whats the diffrence?


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Ive seen many Gis onlien that have diffrent weights on them,some have 6 Oz markings and some have 12 Oz markings,and the one in my dojo that I want to buy is a century Blue Gi,100% cotton and says:"Super-lightweight",do you recommend this Gi? or should I purchase or browse for a better kind?

Thanks for your replies :)

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I would not recommend the super light weight gi unless you are on a budget and don't want to invest much just yet. It is REALLY thin material and tears easily. I have the middle weight gi (8 to 9 oz.) and the fabric is fairly durable. So far, I have only torn one tie string off in the year I had it. The heavy weight and super-heavy weight fabric (10 oz. and up - feels almost like denim) is recommended for styles with a lot of grabbing like Judo where you grab your opponent's clothing to lift and throw him. Or if you just want to get something that will last forever. If it's something like Karate or TKD with mostly striking, you should be OK with the middle (or even light) weight material. Oh and one more thing: If you are allowed to choose, get pants with a draw string and elastic. The elastic eventually wears out and the draw string can come loose easily. Better to have both.

Paranoia is not a fault. It is clarity of the world around us.

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yes we are allowed to choose either white or blue,red is for BBM members and black is for Blackbelts,anyways,I thought super lightweight was made so it doesnt feel heavy on you :-? so you think I should buy a middleweight Gi? cuz I want a fabric that feels nice on the skin,like the white one an adult student has,his gi feels almost like a towel,what type of Gi is that?

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The "towel" gi is probably heavy or super-heavy from the sound of it. And at that point you do start to feel the difference. My middleweight gi doesn't feel heavy to me personally so I think it would be okay. But if you are looking for a really light feel, the light weight sounds like it might be what you're looking for. I would still avoid the super light weight because it is really cheap fabric. Of course it is up to you based on why you want it. I guess some people would not mind replacing them a little more often if it gets you what you want. Happy shopping.

Paranoia is not a fault. It is clarity of the world around us.

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I never tried anything but heavy gis. It's a bit uncomfortable in the heat, but it has a positive thing: the fabric is really tough and can last a lot. I cannot aford too many gis (i have 2, one I bought and one I got as a present). They are so expensive for us (compared to our wages) that we want them to last a lifetime :D

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I do like the feel of the heavyweight uniform. However, right now I wear a heavy top with a lightweight bottom. It works well for me. It is the only TKD uniform that I have at the moment.

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I asked the adult that was attending where he got it from and he said it was gift,but he let me try it on! the thing was almost like running around as if there was no Gi top on my body,and Ive seen him using it alot even though he has 2 other Gis,so it isnt heavy at all,its actually VERY light weight and I didnt see rips anywhere on the Gi top,so you guys figure it out yet? Im thinking the material they use in the fuzzy type of towels ( I forgot what its called :D )

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  • 3 weeks later...


Are you thinking of terry cloth?

I use a Century heavyweight uniform. When I first started I used a "student weight" (or something like that). I really like the heavyweight uniform, though it took a few washings to get it somewhat soft. Plus, I sweat like crazy in it but i wouldn't have it any other way, but this is just a personal preference.



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  • 2 months later...

because iam a black belt iam forced to wear a 'heavy weight masters jacket' from century, its the traditional tsd top with the black trim but when i first got it, it could stand up by itself. so as the weights go up they get, thicker, heavier, and starchier. but i personally like anything from tiger claw, i have been in the arts for almost a decade and they are the best pants i have ever worn in my life. but as for tops a nice medium weight will be nice after a few wears and washes. good luck.

in tang soo,



2nd Dan, Instructor

Kyo Sah Nim

Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do

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The heavyweight gis don't stick to your body when you sweat so you have more freedom of movement in them. I use a 16oz karate gi which is admittedly a little excessive for karate, but it's lasted me well, hasn't shrunk in the wash too much and makes me look a little more intimidating than my skinny frame warrants :D

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