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america's not so great


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On 2002-05-17 21:44, Withers M.A.A. wrote:


If you don't love this country like the rest of us do then leave, cause if that is how you feel we don't want you.


Whoa there. It's possible (in fact, necessary) to love your country and still criticize things the government does. I find it unfortunate that anyone would accept without question the actions of their government. That's how tyranny develops.



Chris Tessone

Brown Belt, Kuk Sool Won

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I don't back everything the government does by any means. I live in Massachussets and our rights are taken away little by little. Stupid things like not being able to buy Nunchaku cause they are illegal or being able to buy certain handguns or having stupid smog tests done on cars. I do sometimes feel the government isn't looking out for our best interests and only their own personal growth but I do love this country and still feel it is the greatest on the planet.



2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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"stupid smog tests" this is the side of america i hate. i must admit that america has done some impressive and some good things but that conceited atitude is ridiculous. if u think that smog tests aren't looling out for ur best intrests by having smog tests get a grip.


the usa dump more trash than any other country and us more electricity than any other country who gives u the wrote to do this- the same thing that gives u the write to dictate and minipulate what happens in other countries


[ This Message was edited by: g on 2002-05-19 15:27 ]

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Well, as much as I'd like to argue with g I have to agree on the smog tests. Do you particularly want to have the right to pollute the environment as much as possible, its bad enough that America has completely ignored complaints by the rest of the world and dropped out of the Kyoto agreement because they couldn't be bothered to cut down on their pollution.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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America thinks it can do what it likes and to a great extent they can but they aren't responsible with their power and they often abuse it.


America droping out of the Kyoto agreement is an example that is very clear but alot of americas actions aren't publisied in the media and the way they get away with what they want to do annoys me greatly.

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Then of course there was that incident a few years back where an American embassy was damaged by a terrorist bomb, so in retaliation the American government launched a missile at a pharmaceutical and/or chemical weapons factory, there's still been no firm evidence either way as to which.


Actually my favourite part was an interview between a British BBC reporter and an American government person.


American Government Person: Of course we were justified, you should know all about the necessary response to terrorist acts, given all the terrorism you have.


BBC: Yes, and as of yet we haven't launched missiles or broken international law.


AGP: *silence*


Sorry, not meaning to pick on america particularly but I love that interview. That's the gist of it at least.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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The Kyoto treaty is a huge joke. It should not have even got as far as it did. The treaty basically would have made it so that the US had to adhere to 3rd world countries, and pay 3x more for energy and fossil fuels. Thus, crippling our army and economy. Why don't we just become a good socialist country like the EU? If the EU is so environmently friendly they should adhere to the Kyoto treaty themselves!



Do unto others, as they done to you.

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