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Boycotting a sensei?


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So, within my organization we have a head instructor for the whole thing and a cheif instructor for the US. We shall call head instructor Mr. Head, and cheid of US instructor Mr. Chief. Mr. Chief is not doing a very good job of running his sector of the organization. He hasn't updated the website in years, he tried to make it so only black belts could be a member of our Org, and he is raising prices of lots of things. So Mr. Head comes to the US for a seminar. He is an amazing Sensei and of course everyone wants to go but Mr. Chief makes it insanely exspensive. This is terrible. It is officially more about the money then the art, and he is profiting off Mr. Head.

So my Sensei has asked that no one got to the seminar because it would support Mr. Chief. We are basically boycotting all of his disicions...but at the same time it feels like we are hurting Mr. Head.

I was just curious of your thoughts on the subject. My dojo is very divided about the whole situation.

"good enough is the enemy of excellence"

Shodan Goju Ryu karate-do under Sensei Gene Villa

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It sounds like one of those political things that some KF members and myself find discouraging in MA. If one can get along with another then maybe they should split apart and start their own style. It would not be the first time. It is probably headed there anyhow. As for the students and youself, you will be the onces that suffer. Eventually you may have to make a decision as to where to go and who to follow. Good Luck

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt

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I say make your own decisions based off what you want to do to improve yourself. If you want to pay the insane amount, then go for it. If not, then don't.

If there is a higher up you can talk to about the situation, then I would do that, if you think it may help.

Otherwise, it may just be time to get out.

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many senseis (including mine) have decided that if things don't change by march they are going to leave the organization. I don't know if they will be making a new one or what but i do know that whatever happens i plan to follow my Sensei.

And we had plans to speak to the highest up to the Head of our organization, who is japanese. But the person who was going to speak to him backed out. No one wants to have to inform him that some of his best students don't want to be part of his organization. It is hard because we are all very loyal to him, but we can't continue on with what is happening here in the US.

"good enough is the enemy of excellence"

Shodan Goju Ryu karate-do under Sensei Gene Villa

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many senseis (including mine) have decided that if things don't change by march they are going to leave the organization. I don't know if they will be making a new one or what but i do know that whatever happens i plan to follow my Sensei.

And we had plans to speak to the highest up to the Head of our organization, who is japanese. But the person who was going to speak to him backed out. No one wants to have to inform him that some of his best students don't want to be part of his organization. It is hard because we are all very loyal to him, but we can't continue on with what is happening here in the US.

Try to find another person to do the talking, then. If you think that he would listen, then don't let it go by the wayside.

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So people would prefer to leave the Organisation rather than spend some time to chat to the Head and try and sort it out? What will hurt the head more, being told there is a problem or a mass desertation of his Org?

Perhaps, if it is so hard to speak to him, someone should compose a letter and get all the instructors that support the letter to sign it? Solidarity is probably the best way to go. Perhaps no one wants to speak to the Head on their own in case they suddenly find themselves a lone voice in the wilderness?

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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  • 2 weeks later...

The best way to avoid the politics is to move on.

I did and I have been a lot happier since.

I'd do it again..... :)

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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  • 1 year later...

So you have a leaky faucet in your bathroom and want to just abandon the house?

Do you really want to continue training with Mr. Head? And Mr. Chief is the problem?

Ever heard the maxim: the pen is mightier than the sword? Put the problems down on paper. Have all black belts that feel the same sign the letter. Hand deliver it to the Head when he arrives. If it means you can't talk to Head unless you attend the seminar, then pony up the cash between the lot of you and have one person do the delivery.

You can decide if you want to CC the Chief or not. Be prepared for political fall out and drama soon after though.

If you truly believe in fixing the problem, then fix the sink and don't worry, be happy.


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