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What (is)are your New Year's resolution(s)?


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Wow this is quite a list - for me I have two resolutions. The first being to seriously commit to a healthier lifestyle including eating habits & exercise. The second being to meditate much more regularly.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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--Laugh every day.

--Never let my wife and son go to sleep without telling them I love them.

--Eat copious amounts of dark chocolate to balance out all the asparagus and cauliflower my wife forces me to eat.

--Spend less time on the computer, and more time playing Monopoly and Battleship with my son.

--Buy a better car. I'm taking the current one off life support.

--Have more "date nights" with Mrs. Sohan.

--Put those blinders back on that I had when I was 20 and rediscover that youthful resiliancy and fearlessness that we seem to grow out of over the years.

--Laugh every day.

--Learn to love those danged annoying cats as much as I do dogs.

--Gain exposure to a martial art that has little practical application to kicking someone's butt, but is a fun and healthy way to train.

--Watch less UFC, and spend more time reading essays from Emerson and Thoreau.

--Write at least one original song and perform it at the local open mike night.

--Put together a 3 minute comedy act and do it at open mike night. Even if I stink.

--Laugh every day.

--Relearn Italian and write a poem in the language.

--Spend some time gaining a modest proficiency in a language few people use, and surprise a native speaker with some basic usage of it.

--Spend at least one week at my tiny condo in Manzanillo, Mexico, doing nothing but drinking margaritas, working on my unhealthy tan, and sailing with my wife and son.

--Wear out the tires on my mountain bike.

--Laugh every day.

With respect,


Most thoughful Sohan! You inspired me a bit. Normally I do resolutions and end up not following through after about a week. Although this is starting late (maybe that's the secret for me) I am:

Going to lose some weight...OK, a lot of weight.

Spend more time with my family instead of the computer

Learn Polish with my daughter somehow (she wants to learn)

Don't take things so seriously

Laught a lot more

There are others that I should include bue I will stop here and concentrate on these for now.

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt

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