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Goju Ryu newbie, help please!


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once u have the aim and speed u will feel that bigger guys and girls, even though they are stronger wont have a chance.... nobody can fight winded.. and even if they still can... they will still be worse for it andallow for u to just repeatedly hit them... thats for a street situation...

1. why do people always assume they are or can be faster than the bigger guy? I weigh 230, but do plenty of cardio and lift weights constantly. I guarantee you that you can't move so fast that I can't hit you. There are plenty of other big guys like that out there also. This is a dangerous assumption.

2. in a street fight, cardio isn't a major issue. anaerobic capacity is actually more important. fights happen quickly.

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I am a big guy; heavy mostly, not tall. I can still stay with the smaller guys as well. I also have gotten comments about how quick I am for my size. Although I could get faster, I can move so-so.

Also, e&k makes a good point about the street fight being an anaerobic event. You won't see many street fights like the one in Rocky V.

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because the bigger guys generally work on power as opposed to speed... little people work mainly on their speed hence being faster in most cases... not saying all but most (from experience) so yah...

also aerobic or not... it hurts like hell...

Brown belt... win trophies... grade... lose trophies... so much fun

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because the bigger guys generally work on power as opposed to speed... little people work mainly on their speed hence being faster in most cases... not saying all but most (from experience) so yah...

Actually, power is generated through speed, so therefore, most big guys will still work on speed to help them generate more power.

Speed really has nothing to do with a person's build, but with their muscle fiber types, along with how they train to develop it. Smaller doesn't always mean faster.

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The important thing is to make sure your technique is good first, like others have said. With punching make sure:

1. your fist is formed correctly

2. you are striking with the correct part of the fist

3. your wrist is aligned correctly to avoid injury

4. you dont lock your elbow

5 your hand travels out and back along the same line.

etc etc

All pretty basic things.

From there you can practice the punch with increased speed and power on pads or bags without fear of hurting yourself.

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:-? Okay! that shattered my illusion bushidoman! how shud you train to gain speed then, cos i thought smaller automatically meant faster?

You can still get faster, but just because you were born small doesn't mean you are born fast. Start by building some strength through some resistance training, and then you can move up to some plyometric exercises that will help to increase your expolsiveness.

You can still be faster than a big person, but won't be for free! :wink:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Elbowsandknees, don't take this the wrong way but we little guys assume we are faster because we ARE faster. Of course there are exceptions but according to the laws of physics, we are made for speed. However there is a down side. It is also true that bigger guys (and gals) are stronger. That's not an insult, it's just naturally true. If you are not built for something (speed, strength, agility, etc.) you can always catch up to those who are naturally gifted in that area, but you will have to work at it a bit more. I am slightly stronger that the average guy but I lift weight twice as much as most people. My brother who never lifts weights is stronger than me, all because he is 3 inches taller and about 80 pounds heavier. He has a natural advantage in strength but I can always out-run him. So each person has to accept his assets and shortcomings and learn to overcome them with extra effort or find ways around them. That's what we are talking about. Hope this clear thing up. I was really not trying to be mean.

Paranoia is not a fault. It is clarity of the world around us.

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Everyone needs to work out their strengths and weaknesses in training. Reality is us shorter females are never going to be as strong as the big guys. Our techniques won't pack the same sort of punch. And when you're sparring a taller opponent you can't afford to stand back and trade punches and kick at a distance cause they will outreach you everytime. I agree that what you need to work on is your speed, footwork and movement. Learn to move in and out as you attack and defend. Tuck up, move in quick, quick combo and move out. Use the angles as well. always keep on your toes. You will need to get quite fit to keep this up for a prolonged period of time sparring but that is your best bet as a smaller opponent.

I know it's hard for females - particularly the ones who weren't tormented by older brothers!!, I was! - to get that agression going and get over the fear of being hit. You need to work with someone bigger than you who you feel comfortable with and let them go a little bit harder than normal to give you the feeling of being hit. Try tucking up in your stance and getting someone to hit you with focus mits, they are soft but will also get used to what it's like to cop a hit to the body or head. Reality is, the only way you'll get over it is to have a go. Get in there and spar. It might however be worth doing it for the first time with someone being controlled - maybe one of the black belts or other higher ranks - rather than on a fight night - I'm not sure exactly what that involves in your dojo, but if it's competition based, then your opponent will be going pretty hard trying to win. May not be the best time to have a first go in order to get your confidence up. Good luck. I promise, soon you'll be enjoying getting hit! It's weird I know, but very true.

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