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hey guys, i have a question about making a website for my school. my school is fairly new and im afraid it might close down if my sabumnim cant make enough money to keep it running. i talked to him about making a website and he said the only reason he hasnt made a website is because he isnt that great with computers. the problem is... neither am i. but im willing to give it a try.

i was wondering if any of you know how i could start up my own website. and i mean simple. i dont need none of this swooping in, 3-d, sound effects and an interview with jackie chan. lol. i just need a way to get my school recognized. i just need basic info about hkd and tkd. you know... basic things that people would want to know about my school.

i was just wondering if any of you guys knew where i could find an easy starting point. TY

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Making a website isn't as daunting of a task as it seems. What you need to do is figure out what you want on your website and get it down on paper. The best way to go about this is to make an outline. Think about the main points you want to get across. These are going to be your main pages. Then flesh out those topics. Here's an example of what you could do...


1. Main Page


2. Art Taught



c)Ranking System

3. Instructor


4. Class Times

a)Current Schedule

b)Upcoming Tournaments/Events

5. Costs


b)Additional Fees

As you can see, this would be a simple 5 page website with the four categories linked to the main page through a navigation(Usually on the left or top of the page).

As for the technical end, there's programs out there that build them for you graphically, but I recommend you learn HTML. It really is a simple process when you break it down. You can do the entire page with just this tool, you don't need Javascript, ASP, PHP, or any of the other fancy acronyms. Also, by doing it yourself, you can work in notepad and not have to buy some fancy expensive program.

http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_intro.asp This website is a pretty good walkthrough for learning html. If you decide to go this route and have any questions, PM me and I'll be able to answer questions or give you some advice.

If you are interested, I'm currently redesignining my school's website, http://www.kestralmultimedia.com/matc/index.php It's currently in progress, so not all the links work right now, but it will give you an idea of how things can get organized.

There's no place like


A website is a good idea to help out, but you need to get present in your community. I have found a good way to advertise is to be visible in community activities. Get in a local parade with some students. Offer free gift wrapping in a mall. Have a demonstration in a mall during christmas is always good. Offer to be part of a fundraising program, like Walk America, etc...

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.


great advice guys. thanx a lot. cross, that yahoo link you sent me is great. very simple, just the way i like it. lol. lordtariel, your link was good too, but i was having some trouble, so imma stick with yahoo i think but thanx for the help with the outline idea. i was just thinking of typing everything as i went. i didnt think of outlining. and the way you listed everything i perfect. thanks a lot. jaymac. thats a good idea too. the mall would be a great idea to go and show off a lil bit. especially around the holiday season. thx a lot you guys


Well french if you need any help just let me know. Not great at it but could help with the basics.

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.


I agree with jaymac, getting out there is the best advertising you can do. We have done demo's in schools and asked for parents of the cadets in the club to put the word around. Free trial lessons in local papers are good to - if you can accompany this with some sort of story they will usually run it free and not as advertising.

Good luck anyway :)

Karate Ni Sentinashi


Tripod.com offers a good site building tool to help you build your site and it can be free. I pay a very small amount monthly for my own domain name, etc., and I have had great success with it.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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