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Do a backflip? I'm still trying to do a handstand. HI MBP, I hope you don"t hurt yourself. So you are going to start this week trying to do backflips? Good luck. :kiss:

A failure is one who stops trying.

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I've heard that a gym place local to me also has that...but I can't drive so I have to convince my parents to take me there.


I'm still trying to get a handstand too :smile:


I can do other stuff though.


I can do this thing called a Tiger Dive...you go from a handstand, bend your arms and land on your stomach. Really easy but looks awesome. After much practice, I can also do a back whip up, and a kip up. These are ways to get up off the floor :nod: (<----master of the obvious)...... yeah :nod:


I'm working on a no-handed cartwheel. Well, was...certain things (*cough* brushes with death *cough*) have made me stop until I can go to that gym open night....



1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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No hand cartwheel = Aerial. You can also get someone to spot you for an aerial. If they cup their hands together and put there forearms on your hip you can practice. That will give you the extra boost and confidence to not put your hands down.





2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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At first it is wise to do it only with two qualified instructors on each side of you to guide you through the actions and then to support you whilst you do some yourself initially in slow motion (to enable the "muscle memory" so your body knows what to do) and then faster and with less support until you are able to do one on your own. Also you would need to have a crash mat a metre or so behind you until you are proficient, as when you start doing them faster you will probably over-rotate and end up falling on your backside!


ONLY do this with qualified gymnastics instructors if you want to learn safely!


My karma will run over your dogma


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Yeah, back whips aren't as popular as kip ups, but they should be.


Basically, you're lying flat on your back, kick your legs backwards like you're doing a backwards somersault or something. You do a little "kick" motion with your legs to give you some thrust, push with your hands (for a brief moment you're in a handstand) and come back down.


| / o


___o _o o o |


See? I dunno if that graphic helps or not :smile:


I find it much easier to pull off than a kip up.


However, you can break your neck learning it, so be VERY CAREFUL!!!!!


Don't do the thrusting kick until you're almost finished. It's all about momentum and that kick. A prelim to learning this is learning to go from a headstand to a handstand. There's nearly no arms involved at all, just bend your legs, kick them straight and provide a little hand push, and you should be up. Get this down and the whip up will be much easier.



1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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  • 1 year later...

While i cannot do a backflip. I can do a backflip running up a wall. This is much easier then it looks. Put ONE foot on the wall when running and swing the other around quickly and u do a backflip. Ilearned outside against my shed with a mattris. The one thing u have to remmeber with any flip is not to do it half-assed. You can't chicken out half way or u will land un your neck!


Hope that helped

Some people say that im a horrible person, so i tell them i have the heart of a boy....... in a jar .... on my desk

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Things I only learnt to do some time after I was twenty:


1. Touch my toes


2. Wiggle my ears


Same here!


The cool thing about wiggling your ears is that no amount of practice can give you that ability, you just have to have it.


As for the backflips... it took me 5 months to be able to touch my toes. I'm schedueling my first backflip for 2025!

"Nothing is impossible to the willing mind."

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to practise them get a spotter ( who knows what their doing ) and have them help you, where you jump as if you were going to do it and they have you by the and they flip you over and back onto your feet, learned it in gymnastics



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