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Also...I've never seen anyone DIE at a tournament. Unless you count the 70-year-old man that had a heart attack 2 years ago at our local tourney....but he survived :eek:



1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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With your ignorance you shouldn't be in the Martial Arts. You should either join the WWF or the circus cause you're obviously a clown. YOu can come up with a gay name like "The Rock"... You can call yourself "The Ignorant Idiot" or "The Rambling ******"







2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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I have three things to say:


First, "no i don't think so just the black sheeps haha"


TigerKorea quote: A TRUE MARTIAL ARTIS does not talk rather he shows that is the true martial artists.. you guys talk to much.


[CT]pizzaboy quote: We're on the f@cking internet. I can not show you my ability, nor can you.


"Be like water my friend"


Easy on the saki next time you enter this forum. Keep that in mind, write it down and repeat it until you can say it fives times fast.



Canh T.

I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversations.

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What the hell is wrong with you tigerkorea ?


"A TRUE MARTIAL ARTIS does not talk rather he shows that is the true martial artists.. "


What's all that bragging about then ?


You pretend to know about MA but there're couple of things you seem not to have heard of: RESPECT and OPEN MINDNESS.


Next time you come to dish people out, please remember that Bruce Lee (your idol i guess) has always been eager to learn from ANYONE and ANYTHING. Without the techniques he picked from boxing, fencing, bodybuilding, etc... the "little dragon" would have been just an average joe in the martial arts.


Then you started on american people. Again, let me remind you that without american people, Lee wouldn't have been the star he was. Yes he was known and famous in Asia, but the US brought him worldwide fame.


Tiger, you remind me of those (politicaly) brainwashed old asian people talking about the evil capitalist american. Maybe you should start thinking for yourself man, cold war's over. American people gave my grandparents and half my family a place to live after the war (i'm from vietnamese origin by the way). I'm sure this is not the place for a political debate so i'll stop here but let me tell you one last thing, RESPECT tigerkorea.


Look it up in the dictionary, maybe you'll learn something...

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There was no need to be quite so offensive, those of you that have replied to TigerKorea's inappropriate message.


Don't get me wrong, I felt a surge of contempt towards him, yet a good martial artist doesn't let anger control his actions or speech.


TigerKorea obviously was speaking in an ignorant, abusive manner, so to reply back to him in the same way only put you on his level.


Some of the black belts spoke wisely and answered with experience and coolness, thus degrading TigerKorea without degrading themselves.


By replying so, he would have something to think about, not bitter thoughts for the rest of you.


Anyway, I totally disagree with him. To TigerKorea I say: Bruce Lee was great, yes, but how would we know him to be the greatest. Further, UFC fighters are incredibly brave to put their lives on the line and fight in such circumstances (I have tried).


And Americans are simply innovative. Only by trial and error, by creative innovation can a people truly further themselves. (how do you think the chinese monks learnt? They didn't simply just know).


I hope none of you have been offended by my comments, but always remain cool in such frustrating circumstances.


The real man, is not the strongest of you, but the one who can control himself when in anger. - Prophet Muhammed

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