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Hi everyone. After lurking around on the site for a month or so I finally gave in and registered.

I started martial arts in 1987 in Hayashi-hi Shito Ryu where I obtained my Shodan. Briefly left the MA world in '94 to experience life, see what else is in the world, you know the usual "see what the world was about" kind of thing (in other words the end of high school beginning of college). I returned to martial arts in '99 after greatly missing it. I began not with a gentle transition but rather by leaping in headfirst by studying BJJ, Kali, and Silat (all at the same time) 6 days a week.

That is until a silat injury forced me to undergo knee surgury. When rehabing my knee I stumbled upon a flier for Matsubayashi-Ryu, with a sensei no longer affiliated with the organization. Figuring my previous Shito-Ryu experience would allow me a smooth transition into the sytem, I decided to attend the first day the dojo opened. That was in 2001 and despite haveing to start from the beginning as a ju-kyu, I haven't left since. I am currently a Nidan and instructor as well.

Since then, we have switched from Matsubayashi to Shogen-Ryu. Shogen-Ryu was founded by Sensei Taba, senior student to Osensei Nagamine, as a way to honor Osensei and carry on his tradition.

Thankfully my sensei has prior experience with Kali and Silat, so between the two of us some fun stuff gets incorporated as well.

Good to be part of this community and I look forward to sharing thoughts, beliefs, and opinions with all of you.

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Welcome to KF. :)

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi


Thanks for the info - welcome to the forum. :)


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu


Welcome aboard

If you think only of hitting, springing, striking or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him. You must thoroughly research this. - Musashi

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