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  Dresden said:
I do not mean to open a can of worms with this post, I am just curious.Do equal standards apply in other dojos out there or does rank at your place spmetimes receive some special justification.Such as "she is pretty good for a girl" or "hes not bad for as old as he is."Sensei and I are friends on a pesonal level outside the dojo and inside I push myself HARD.Some nights though it seems impossible to please him.I know why he picks but sometimes I cant help but think to myself "but look at so and so,what about them?"

I'm sure things have happened in the past where a grading ended up being more representative of political, monetary, or other considerations. But for the most part when it comes to grading a panel consisting of at least one Master is usually present. This throws a wrench into many political senseis and most gradings are performance-based. When it comes to mid-level and high-level Dan gradings I'd say that it can vary depending upon the organization.

When it comes to women though, that's another story altogether. It is a cause for regret that they aren't given as much respect & recognition as they should. Yes, less women keep with it (in my personal experience) do senior Dan grades. But those that do are phenomenally good...but sometimes the organization they are with sees fit to not promote them. It's a function of the culture and I'm afraid that it will be like for a little while longer at least.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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Not everyone is created equal, some people have issues doing things and other people will excel at those very things even being difficult. You must look at the persons capability and not judge them on one particular level. My wife for example has a inner ear problem and it effect her balance very badly. She trains very hard and is a tough one but still has the issue. Does that mean she did not earn her shodan? Nope that means it was just harder for her.

Brandon Fisher

Seijitsu Shin Do


Hi all, I guess I'm lucky or unlucky depending on how you look at things. My Sensei is an equal opportunity punisher. LOL. In other words. he is strict, but fair and consistent with everyone as far as I can tell. Like has already been mentioned, I think the important thing is strive to do your best at all times. Regardless of belt ranking, age, gender etc. :)

"Without Ki, without Kime, there is no true Karate"

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