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Getting Annoyed


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Cheers Rick I never thought about that... I'll give it a go.

Jaymac, I'm not bothered about my next rank, my next grading is on the 22nd October and sometimes I feel that I shouldn't be that high. It's just a bit annoying about having to do things slowly, I suppose I felt that he didn't think I was good enough (which im probably not). I'll keep at it and always remember your saying 'Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.'

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

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I agree with a lot of the posts here. I would also say that you shouldn't get into too big of a hurry. You said that you grade at the end of the month? Big deal....a few more weeks. You also openly admit that you still have room for improvement, so there is your motivation right there. Also, think about the target areas of the techniques, and the applications that are from the forms.

When you think it is all physical, then you need to start thinking about everything again, and see what you can dig up and find.

Also, I would not be looking ahead to the next kata on DVD. That is kind of like undermining your instructor, and you could develop some habits that you don't see that may cause problems for you.

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Hi All

I am currently working towards my Purple belt (grading at the end of the month), however im starting to get bored/annoyed in class. Its not with any of the students but its with the fact that I know my grading kata (I'm far from perfect but I would say I know it to blue belt standard). I have learn't in my own time from a DVD the next kata up. However in class when it comes to kata I have to go with the rest of the blue belts and go through the kata to count (with the sensei infront showing us the moves). I don't know what to do I enjoy it, but I feel I am being held back, and I get bored and can just feel myself not trying. Last night was great until the kata section and then I just wanted to be at the gym.

Has anyone else felt like this and what did you do?

1. you admit your kata is far from perfect - try to make it perfect. If you're gonna be a blue, be the best blue you can be.

2. drill the movments in your kata. Can you use every application in your sparring? If not, then work to get it there.

3. if your kata is perfect, work on other aspects, like gaining speed, strength and stamina.

4. focus on your sparring more.

5. Do you know all of the applications of your kata?

6. by jumping ahead in class, you make yourself sound like an ingrate. Your teacher knows what pace you should be learning at. Trust him.

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Also, remember that practicing kata and all techniques slowly over and over is going to be great for your technique. After practicing it slowly, go home and do the movements quickly and see if you keep that great technique. Keep in mind, doing things quickly, you will have some mistakes, but they should be minimal. You are at a point in your training where everyone begins to question. If you are dedicated, you will stick with it and improve. If you are not, you will quit. I hope you are dedicated.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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You are being held back. But it is in a good way. As mentioned above, repetition is extremely important. It's good you do the kata well now. What about 10 or 15 years from now? You don't want to become one of those crappy black belts that see a kata and say, "I used to know that one." Few things irk me more than that. I've met far more than I woul like to admit. I know that at this point you can't imagine not knowing the kata, but it can happen if you're not careful.

It's natural to be annoyed the way you are. Don't feel too bad though. As you said, you're grading for the next rank at the end of the month. Then there will be plenty new things to learn and challenge you.

Good luck and stay the course.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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Held back from what?? Remember that the Martial Arts is in the practise of it, not the end result. What you are feeling is normal. Just relax, let the ego go, and enjoy what you are doing. The next kata will come in good time, when your instructor is ready, after all, he is the expert.

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open.

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Wow, lots of great posts. I never thought that me trying to rush ahead waas undermining my Sensei.

Elbows, I would love to concentrate on my sparring but at blue belt level we don't do it.

Thanks everyone you have made me look at things differently. I'll perfect my kata before looking towards the next one.

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

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Elbows, I would love to concentrate on my sparring but at blue belt level we don't do it.

What rank is your blue belt? Intermediate, perhas? You should be doing some sparring by now. We start our students into sparring after their 2nd testing.

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Yeah im a blue belt, about half way through now. I'm hoping to start it soon, we have a competition coming up soon which I hope to join in with.

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

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