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Sooo i will be joining a karate club near my house by October . I wanna know what ima do for the first day if ima get like a free lesson to see if i like it or am i goin to buy the clothes right then and there ... thanks. :)

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There is no rush, you buy your Gi when you decided to stay, try to avoid signing a contract, pay monthly with no contract, they may ask you to sign a limited liability paper in case you got injured.

first day go with a loose pants and T-shirt that's all you need.


First of all, contact the instructor. Go visit the school, and watch a class. Then visit with the instructor and ask questions you want to know. Many will offer introductory classes, and you shouldn't have to order your uniform right away.

Welcome to KarateForums, MA-Furious!


you should always get a free lesson when thinking of joining a club, if not 2

dont sign anything until you know you are going to stay. and dont buy a branded gi until you know you are going to say.

some clubs wil use a standard gi, so buying one of them isnt as much of a problem cos you could use it at other clubs

and welcome to the forums

Now you use head for something other than target.


First lesson is usually free. Avoid joining straight away. If you can, wait 2 or 3 weeks before you decide to join up. If you can pay per lesson, then do so. Starting off in track pants and t-shirt is best, then get a uniform when you have decided to join.

Welcome to the forums MA-Furious!

Richard Hang Hong

Chief Instructor

Seitou Ryu Karate

Find me on Facebook!Seitou Ryu Karate


I agree with the members that have already posted. Try to get a few free lessons when you first start. You shouldn't have to buy a gi right away.

Welcome to the forum!


Just talk to the head instructor in regards on what to do. No one is going to force you to buy a gi the first day and some schools give free uniforms with a trial membership. Good luck and have fun!

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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