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hey everyone

ive been looking into karate but dont know which type to do. i heard ryu te is a really well rounded style but i also heard that uechi ryu is good too. i am looking for a type of martial art with mostly realistic self defense techniques. there is a hapkido/tkd school near me that i checked out and i really liked it, but i was just wondering if there was a type of karate that had self defense and maybe some grappling techniques. i live on Long Island in New York in suffolk county and was wondering if anyone lives around there who knows of any good karate or other martial arts schools.

thanks for the info

french fri25

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I've seen many styles of karate, but Ryu-Te takes the cake by a LONG run. I've met some awesome Shotokan and Goju practitioners myself also. It's really what works for you and what instructor is teaching. The instructor makes ALL the differance.

"They look up, without realizing they're standing in the palm of your hand"

"I burn alive to keep you warm"


MizuRyu is right on key. There are no bad martial arts, just bad instructors. Another thing is that the focus of the school (self-defense or sport oriented) is also based on the instructor's philosophies. The best thing to do is to go watch classes in your area, talk to the instructors/owners, and then make your decision. This is the best way to find what you are looking for.


if you can find a good Uechi ryu school take it over ryu-te which is a jujutsu art mix with shorin ryu. if not look for a Okinawan ryu Goju school, allways instructor comes first though,


All types of Karate have grapling/realistic self defense technique's, at least they should if the instructor is teaching it correctly. What I've learned over the last few weeks, as I've started getting more involved with my Tuite, is that much of our kata is chalked full of grapling type technique's, that become extremely apparent the more Tuite you learn.

  Brandon Fisher said:
There is a Shorin Ryu - Shorinkan school on Long Island here is link. I have referred one of my own personal students to Renshi Rowley.


This looks like something you might want to check out. Nice link Brandon. Looks like a very reputable school.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.


Thanks. I spent 2 years in a shorinkan school and have a great amount of respect for them. I wish I had not moved back to cleveland so I could have continued training with them but I did and other things came about that are great also here.

Brandon Fisher

Seijitsu Shin Do


thanks for the info everyone.

unfortunally, the links that you posted of the schools are not located near me. they all look like great schools too, so this kinda sucks.

but i just wanted to say thanks a lot for the info anyway. any other posts would be greatly appreciated. i will take all of your advice. as my 6-month contract winds down with my current school i will begin searching for other schools.

once again, thanks for the info

french fri25


search around, visit the dojos and ask the instructors on their opinion. they might all say the style is good for defence. if you still have some questions, ask the senseis or watch how the students spar. if they have good defence, it might be a good idea to look for more info on the place or style. you can also ask to see some self defence techniques that they learn and apply.

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