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Going back to Karate

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After deliberating about which style of MA to take up I have decided to give Karate one more shot. I studied Wado Ryu as a teen and managed to grade to orange belt but after a foot injury I gave it up and have regretted it ever since.

Last year, at the age of 24 I decided to give it another go, after one lesson I was completely put off, half of my sons primary school friends were in the class and I felt self concious, especially as I was ready to pass out after the warm up through exhaustion :oops:

The thing is, since being a teen MA has always been at the back of my mind and I don't know why...it's like it's something that I will not rest about until I get it right, has anyone ever felt like this?

So, I have decided to give it another go, a different school a bit further away from my sons school(!!) and I am thinking about setting myself a personal goal - I have ALWAYS wanted to achieve a black belt...not just wear one (I know I could just go out and buy one) but to actually achieve it, is this unrealistic?

One more question, the sensei of the last class I visited was a parent of one of the kids in my sons school so I see him every day, the school I am wanting to try next is where he trained so he's likely to drop in at some point where he will see that I gave up on his class and went to someone else...although it was nothing personal against him, is he likely to be offended? :-?


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Well; first off, achieving black belt whilest you are learning on the way is realisitc, bit silly etc... That is a good goal. As long as you learn, strive to do your best and keep working hard, then that is a good enough goal for me!

As for your friend/sensei; he should understand about the situtation, everyone isn't fitted for a certain style... If he asks, then just say "the style is really for me..." And leave it at that, if he doesn't understand that, then leave it, all the time you're having to explain yourself you are giving him a reason to grill you even further...

Enjoy it! Hope you have a good time! :karate:

To know the road ahead; ask those coming back... ~ Chinese Proverb

" The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants. " ~ Master Funakoshi

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getting a black belt is certainly not realistic. start training, keep training, and you'll get it eventually. its a good target to set, though you should have other reasons for doing MA as well.

if i was in your situation, i'd probably tell the sensei/friend that i'm going to another school and why, and he should understand.

good luck with it all, i'm sure once you've been to a few classes you'll love it.

"Gently return to the simple physical sensation of the breath. Then do it again, and again, and again. Somewhere in this process, you will come face-to-face with the sudden and shocking realization that you are completely crazy. Your mind is a shrieking, gibbering madhouse on wheels." - ven. henepola gunaratana
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Achieving black belt is definately a realistic long term goal. Remember, all goals should be:

Specific, Achievable and Measurable.

Make sure to also set some short term goals.

As for the other Sensei, he should be fine. If he does have a problem with it, then you made the right decision not to train with him.

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open.

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Achieving black belt is definately a realistic long term goal. Remember, all goals should be:

Specific, Achievable and Measurable.

Make sure to also set some short term goals.

As for the other Sensei, he should be fine. If he does have a problem with it, then you made the right decision not to train with him.

I agree with Jiffy. Best of luck to you in your training!

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I agree with the others, except that I would offer that if your goal is to earn your black belt, then set the goal. But also set smaller goals to get there. You can do it. If not, others wouldn't have either. IHO, your focus should be to learn, learn, learn and learn some more. Then set a goal to earn your first belt, or return to the rank that you earned as a kid. From there set other goals to get to the next rank. Before you know it, you'll have learned a lot and you'll have reached your ultimate goal of earning your black belt.

At this point, you'll learn a big suprise. :D The suprise is that Black belt is just the beginning, and that there is a great deal more to learn!!!!! But don't even think about that now, or you'll never make it. Take your time and keep plugging a step at a time. And good luck, you can do it.

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What would make you think that acheiving black belt isnt realistic?

What i mean is there must be something that you feel is holding you back or you wouldnt have asked, its not your age, i have seen people get there black belts at a much older age than you.

Black belt is attainable by anyone that is willing to put in the effort (providing they have some coordination :P )

that being said, not everyone has the patience to stick it out to black belt either. so as long as you are committed you should not have any problems.

Now you use head for something other than target.

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Good luck with training, I'm sure you will be able to achieve your goal of blackbelt - anything is possible if you are dedicated and put your mind to it! :)

As for training at another club, if you see the other instructor just explain to him that you feel embarrased training there because of the children that are there. I'm sure that he won't mind, and if he does then it shows that it wasn't the right club for you anyway.

If the club you are starting at is affiliated with his club, then you will perhaps be able to link up with the other club anyway so you maybe will have chance to train with that instructor on occasions.

Hope that you enjoy training and that you get that blackbelt! :)

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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