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Looking for a MA to study

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Hi all, I am looking to study MA's again after 4 months and I'm finding it very difficult, I'm looking for a MA which combines speed and cardio (because I want to be toned and fit), I loved doing boxing because I felt a lot of energy and I got in very good shape, but I also want to find an art very good for self defense. So long I've looked at Ninjutsu, Kali and Krav Maga, but I dont know if they will get me in shape too, and Ninjutsu uses a lot of weapons as well as kali but I don't know if that is usefull for self defense due to the fact that ppl dont walk around with swords or sticks so I really don't know which one to pick, please help me with this and if you know of other styles that have what I want tell me


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Have you considered kick boxing? It covers the cardio aspect, the speed aspect and it covers the self defence part.

It is definitely a good workout and I use it in combination with TKD and Aikido to give me a good all round workout.

You said you like boxing, well this is similar but includes kicking.

As for the self defence part, it may not be to the standard you are looking for, but then again I would imagine it would depend on the club.

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I have considered Muay Thai but I've really had bad experiences with the Dojos I've been, they liked being in stupid fights in clubs and talking as if they are tough and I dont like that. Im not saying I want to get on my knees and bow to everyone all the time but in this dojos they all behaved like kids.

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I have only been to one Muay Thai lesson and the place and the people were not right for me. I think it was mostly because the class had warm ups, then a bit of sparring, then back to sit ups and then off to partner exercises where you swapped the equipment with each other and spent quite a bit of time putting it on and taking it off, then back to sit ups and stuff. The format didn't work for me.

This of course is not to say that most places are like that but it is the only experience I have had with Muay Thai.

As a separate instance, as part of my kickboxing class, we had a seminar and Paul Taylor, world kickboxing champion and world Thai-Boxing champion was there and I got to hold the pad while he was demonstrating some kicks to the class - that was a very enjoyable and memorable experience. :D

My kickboxing class is mostly for women but I am sure there are mixed kickboxing classes out there. I find the people are friendly and respectful and to me that's the most important part of the class.

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Kali and Krav Maga are both great arts as far as Self Defence is concerned. As for the workout, you will need to attend the individual school because that is not as dependant on the art as it is the way in which it is taught.

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open.

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I think Im going to go with ninjutsu, I just have to visit the dojo to see the class, But from the pics I have seen on the web page I think its going to be a good class, I've seen they go to a very big place outside the city with trees all over and they practice there sometimes (the page said that) I think it will be good. what do you think?

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Today I'm going for the first time to the class so I'm very excited. I will keep you posted when I know more about ninjutsu :D

Thanks to all for their opinions!

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