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Bassai-Dai Bunkai


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We've spent the last couple of weeks going through Bassai-Dai and it's applications in a fair bit of detail. A lot of grabs, locks/breaks and take downs in the kata. here's a few we came up with:

Move #1 & 2

Attacker attempts a grab or strike to the groin. The receiver checks the grab with both hands. The left hand strikes inside the elbow, bending the arm up with the right hand. Continue pushing the attackers arm backwards and down. Once on their back the receiver uses his left hand to hold the attackers pinky and ring finger and pull up to secure the lock. At the same time the left knee is placed behind the attackers back to prevent them from turning around as well as to stablise the receiver.

We found this to be a quite effective lock that can be very painful when applied.

Moves 7-9 (right gedan barai, right soto uke/zenkutsu dachi, left uchi uke.)

Attacker kicks with right mae geri. Receiver blocks kick and hooks leg into their arm. Left hand grabs their shoulder/stepping out with the right leg. Twist anti-clockwise to take them down to the floor. Left backfist to the face or throat.

Moves 24-26 (double rising block, right knee strike, double tettsui/right leg zenkutsu dachi, right oitsuki)

Attacker steps in grabbing lapels with both hands. Receiver pushes arms up and away to break hold. Knee strike to groin. Body check and strike double tettsui to kidneys. Drop onto one knee and slide hands halfway down their legs and pull sharply to put the attacker on their back. Punch to the groin.

That's all for now. Got loads more but I have other stuff to do before class tonight.

Edited by RichardHangHong

Richard Hang Hong

Chief Instructor

Seitou Ryu Karate

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Actually, come to think of it, that first one is even more interesting. I'm going to have to try that one too.

RichardGregory, I'm interested to see what other Bunkai you have in mind. You seem to have some great ideas. Perhaps you could post some more of even PM me with some discussion. Interested to chat more.

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open.

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That is a very intersting application, never mind the PM! Post them here, I'm sure there's lots of folks here who'd like to hear about it. The more discussion the merrier! :)


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

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That is a very intersting application, never mind the PM! Post them here, I'm sure there's lots of folks here who'd like to hear about it. The more discussion the merrier! :)

Yes, yes, I second the motion. Mas Bunkai, por favor!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Attacker steps in grabbing lapels with both hands. Receiver pushes arms up and away to break hold.

Hi Richard

I confess I find myself unconvinced about breaking a lapel grab like this. I've seen plenty of different styles use this defence against a lapel grab but it only seems to work if:

a) the defender is significantly stronger than the attacker, or

b) the grab has not yet been secured

I'm not that big or strong but I can easily resist most people's efforts to break my grip in this manner. You might find it works better if the attacker grabs both upper arms rather than the lapels, the simultaneous rising blocks will deal quite effectively with this.



Practical Karate for Self-Defence

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Mike -I agree. A swift slap to the ears, a spit in the face, a flick to the groin, anything to distract attention while breaking the grip would work better than just going straight to trying to break a grip.

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