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Problem with Toi Gye and Jung Gun hyungs.

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When you are in the back stance at the beginning of Jung Gun hyung, and you pick up your front leg and do the front kick, I have a seriously hard time getting any height out of it. I can get good power waist level, but I can't get any height. The same when I am in the back stances in Toi Gye and do the same kick.

I am normally pretty flexible, but this kick gives me fits. Does anyone else have this problem?

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I keep the kick at about belt level, and emphasize the chamber. It just irks me that I can get other front kicks higher, but not this one.

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OMG someone else who has problems too!

i always got frustrated at this but the more i practised it the better i got.

TAE: to jump, kick or smash with foot

KWON: A fist-to punch or distroy with the hand or fist

DO: is an art, way or method

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Is your supporting leg locked out so that it is completely straight? This is a common mistake in performing front kicks and it prevents you from kicking as high as you could with a flexed leg.

Nope, it is bent, because I am in the back stance. Don't know what the deal is.

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When you are in the back stance at the beginning of Jung Gun hyung, and you pick up your front leg and do the front kick, I have a seriously hard time getting any height out of it. I can get good power waist level, but I can't get any height. The same when I am in the back stances in Toi Gye and do the same kick.

I am normally pretty flexible, but this kick gives me fits. Does anyone else have this problem?

I haven't had this problem, but I have seen it. Most of the time it is related to the chamber, and the knee doesn't get enough height to promote a high kick. For a lead leg front kick, I try to bring my knee up to my chest first. If your knee never makes it above belt level, then neither will your kick.

If you are chambering above your belt, then it is either a flexibility problem, or possibly you are shifting your back foot around. Videotape yourself and take a look at it.


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Thanks, Aodhan, I'll check it out.

When I do back leg front kicks, I can get the knee up, and the kick is decent. It just doesn't want to get up on the front leg kick. When I go to kick, it feels like my body wants to lurch forward as the kick goes, but I don't allow it, so as not to sacrifice technique.

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Like Aodhan and White Tiger have already stated, make sure your leg is chambered correctly first.

The trouble you're having (like everyone else) is in Back Stance your hips are angled differently, as opposed to a Walking Stance, for example, where your hips are facing forwards.

Some peoples hips just don't allow them to perform this kick how they would like.

Having said all that, it doesn't matter what kick you do, a poor chamber will lead to a poor kick.

Good luck with it.


**Edited for spelling mistakes.**

Edited by Don't call me Sir!

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You may have hit it, DCMS. I have kind of big hips anyway, and even if I did lose some weight, I would still be a little wide (girthy, I guess you could say). I got the good chamber, and when I do the form for testing or demo, I don't try to cheat to get a higher kick. I pop it waist level, and stick it for a second, then pull it back. Technique is always first and foremost for me.

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