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Cocky Martial Artist

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what makes many of us that study the martial arts so cocky, and full of ourselves? I posted a video on UTUBE of a board break i did, i got a response from this "highly skilled kicking specialist" who informed me that the kick was useless, slow, and he was 100% sure that i would not work on a trained martial artist.

now guys not being critical but what makes us think that one style is superior to the other, or our abilities are superior to someone else.

i have seen many martial artist get the crap beat out of them by ordinary guys on the street who did not follow the you swing and i counter method taught in many of our dojo's

i believe that a cocky attitude will get you hurt, because you are not cautious enough to walk away , stay out of certian places, or underestimating the guy you may be about to fight.

i have had 2 real street combats in wich i was blessed to walk away, but does that mean i am invincible, NO

lets stay humble , and train to be ready for anything if we can and train to know when to walk away

this guy is a so called kicking specialist whatever that means what if you are overwhelmed by a guy who knows how to really fight and fight dirty. this guy stays within punching range, and jabs,you hooks you fights you very dirty ,or throws you to the ground and his friends stomp your guts out will being a black belty kicking specialist with a cocky attitude help you then No

My advice to the "highly skilled kicking specialist" is to go and kick himself. My advice to you is to ignore the ignorantes and concentrate on your path. :)

Don't let small comments from small people ruin your day. :karate:

Use your time on an art that is worthwhile and not on a dozen irrelevant "ways".

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Unfortunately, cockiness in martial artist is seen everywhere. Even in this forum. How many times do we read that so and so of such an age does not deserve getting a black belt, or there is a black belt in my school... Who are we to judge anyones character in whether or not he or she does or does not deserve a black belt or what school is considered a McDojo, which gets thrown around alot by many. I think anyone who joins the Martial Arts is deserving of 100% respect. It is not an easy journey at times, but the most rewarding journey I have made. I commend anyone who takes up the art and feel that what they have learned will give them a better chance at any rank to defend themselves against an attacker. Will they always win - no - but maybe they have a chance just for training.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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