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Welcome to the site. are you a woman? cause your name (if you break it down) means Jade: Green / Lotus: Flower. green flower? anyways, what style do you study, i bet it is not very good if it is for the purpose of " ONLY defense". I have studied several hundred styles of the martial arts, including Karate, Kung-Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Kendo, Kempo, Iado, Kickboxing, Praying Mantis, Wu-Shu, Taekwondo, Judo, and Wing-Chun. I have been studing since i was a child. My dad started me with Wing-Chun and from there i have taught myself, and i am currently a master. dont argue with me on this one, im sure i can beat you if you challenged me. anyways, thats not going to happen cause this is a peaceful forum.


how long have you been studing? think. and then tell me, cause im sure that it is not as long as i have been. jade, i hope to read more of your posts and comment on them. Im sure that our views will conflict. why? why you ask? cause you study solely for DEFENSE ONLY. and i study to dismember and ATTACK. i should probably refrain from commenting on my current martial art (it is called "Dragon Fire") it blends the best of all the martial arts, i hope you never have to face me in real life, cause id hurt you. sorry lotus, if it seems that i am picking on you. because, i have seen your type in many different kumite's and dojo's and your views sometimes get on my nerves. dont take this personally.


to justify my previous comments i should probably tell you how i train and sparr. then you can comment.


First off, i sparr without pads or anyprotection. why? because, if i am going to get hit i must prepare myself for what it may do. that way if it happens to me in real life (like it ever will, but for arguments sake) i am ready for the effects. Second, i focus chi and meditate. i am currently looking for a sparring partner that can keep up. anyways, i have (just for sport, not for amusement) challenged masters of various martial arts. they put up good challenges, but in the end i was successful. why? because, i study for attack, not defense.


i am a master of several weapons, Three-Sectional Staff, Bow Staff, Katana, Chain, Smoke Bombs, and daggers.


Welcome to the site, Lotus. I hope to hear from your commentary of what i said. maybe, you can change my mind....but, i doubt it.



~I know the ways of the martial arts, i am invincible~

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Welcome LongWong to KarateForums ... (a peaceful forum) thanks for realizing that fact.


We all strive to respect one anothers views here.






KarateForums Sensei


1st dan Black Tae Kwon Do


CardioKickboxing/Fitness Inst.


[ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2002-04-29 07:54 ]

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On 2002-04-28 23:04, Long Wong wrote:


Welcome to the site. are you a woman? cause your name (if you break it down) means Jade: Green / Lotus: Flower. green flower? anyways, what style do you study, i bet it is not very good if it is for the purpose of " ONLY defense". I have studied several hundred styles of the martial arts, including Karate, Kung-Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Kendo, Kempo, Iado, Kickboxing, Praying Mantis, Wu-Shu, Taekwondo, Judo, and Wing-Chun. I have been studing since i was a child. My dad started me with Wing-Chun and from there i have taught myself, and i am currently a master. dont argue with me on this one, im sure i can beat you if you challenged me. anyways, thats not going to happen cause this is a peaceful forum.


how long have you been studing? think. and then tell me, cause im sure that it is not as long as i have been. jade, i hope to read more of your posts and comment on them. Im sure that our views will conflict. why? why you ask? cause you study solely for DEFENSE ONLY. and i study to dismember and ATTACK. i should probably refrain from commenting on my current martial art (it is called "Dragon Fire") it blends the best of all the martial arts, i hope you never have to face me in real life, cause id hurt you. sorry lotus, if it seems that i am picking on you. because, i have seen your type in many different kumite's and dojo's and your views sometimes get on my nerves. dont take this personally.


to justify my previous comments i should probably tell you how i train and sparr. then you can comment.


First off, i sparr without pads or anyprotection. why? because, if i am going to get hit i must prepare myself for what it may do. that way if it happens to me in real life (like it ever will, but for arguments sake) i am ready for the effects. Second, i focus chi and meditate. i am currently looking for a sparring partner that can keep up. anyways, i have (just for sport, not for amusement) challenged masters of various martial arts. they put up good challenges, but in the end i was successful. why? because, i study for attack, not defense.


i am a master of several weapons, Three-Sectional Staff, Bow Staff, Katana, Chain, Smoke Bombs, and daggers.


Welcome to the site, Lotus. I hope to hear from your commentary of what i said. maybe, you can change my mind....but, i doubt it.




LOL! You are indeed a funny funny person, long wong. I've gotten quite a wonderful laugh from your childish banter. I look forward to exchanging many posts with you..you make me laugh, and i like that. Of course anything you say, i can never take seriously. You talk like you're a teenager, hiding under the mask of the "internet" and a message forum, to come here and pretend to be some all knowing "master"..you truly do bring great laughter to my belly. If this upsets sets you, don't blame me, it is you that has done this to yourself. If you're going to claim to be some "master" then you'd better start coming across like one..your mindset, like i said, only implies that you are nothing more than some mere "wannabe" who knows a FEW names of some martial arts, but nothing more than that. Don't worry Long Wong, your amusing banter did not upset me, only made me laugh. I get a kick out of you and your all knowing knowledge. Please don't leave this site, i enjoy the laughter. Thank you for your reply, and welcome to you as well!


"Understand this, a man without honor, is not a man at all, but a coward in disquise."



Understand this, a man without honor, is not a man at all, but a coward in disquise.

Animis Opibusque Parati

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green flower, i am glad to see that you can read. but, i can clearly see you cannot understand. to be a master is to "school" as many people as possible. in doing so, i have proven that i am a master. what have you done? it is the other way around, it is YOU who bring laughter to MY belly.

~I know the ways of the martial arts, i am invincible~

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LOL, again Long Wong I laugh, it's clear to me that you truly don't understand much of anything. The ability to "school" bears no resemblance to a true master, for the greatest master of all, wins all his fights withouth fighting at all. Maybe this will help you to understand, but i don't expect it to, so i'm not worried about. I don't care if you respond or not to this, i've grown tired of your shallow rambling. This conversation is done. I'd rather use my time and effort, on someone, or something more wothwhile. Have a good day. Thank you for you replies.

Understand this, a man without honor, is not a man at all, but a coward in disquise.

Animis Opibusque Parati

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ah, i see that you know nothing green flower. my master intelligence has proven my skill. to master something is to become so good at it that you never have fault, and can do it better than most people. in that respect i am a master of martial arts. to hone my skills as the greatest master i will pick random fights and hospitilize scrubs. i see the martial arts as a way to dominate over the weaker of people, if you are weak then you deserve no mercy. mercy is for the weak. my martial arts teaches this. i defy the teachings of "martial arts masters" i merly USE their fighting styles to hone MY skill. when i studied under kung-fu masters i would go along with all this zen crap, and when i no longer needed them i left. i took what they taught me and improved it, i made it for attack to dominate and control the weak. i have no respect for this zen-monk stuff. enlightenment means nothing to me, so you can sit here all you want and pretend to be somekind of "master" and try to show that, just because you avoid fights makes, you better than me. if i want something i take it, if i dont like something i fix it. you think that if you play "Master Ki-Kang-Ko" on me it will change how i think? i already told you that this meditation stuff does not apply to me. my targets are anyone i feel like beating for the night. by my definition this makes me a master. i challenge you flower, wanna spar? just send me the info and ill be there. and you know what, youll lose. why? because you limit yourself. you apply rules and laws (you call this honor. to me honor is just a copout for the weak). i have no honor nor do i limit myself. and that is why i will always win.


this conversation is not done.


lets see if you can refrain from replying to this...

~I know the ways of the martial arts, i am invincible~

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Hmm, you are a very interesting person Long Wong. I think that in all parts of our lives we see what other people do and say and want to understand why. Why do they say what they say? Why do they do what they do? What is going on in their mind? I feel that many people compare what they view about other people to themselves and try to make sense of what they see or hear. Why? A basic human need is to understand and be understood. We do this to grow as people and to hopefully help others grow as well. Wether we realize it or not, our minds are constantly working to acquire new information and process that into our own personalities. Each person I come into contact with has some affect on my life no matter how small or how large it may seem. I take what happens to me and use what I like and discard what I don't. Most times this happens on a subconcious level unless there is something that is quite serious and very recognizeable that I either like alot or dislike greatly. You appear to me someone who has taken this idea and used it in your martial arts style. To say that you don't care and pretend that you are totally apathetic of what other people say or do is wrong. You have contradicted yourself through your posts in several ways and I believe exposed yourself for who you really are. I recognize the stage of human developement that you are currently in right now and hope that soon you will find who you want to be and be happy with your descision. What anyone else says or does and how it affects you is up to you. What you do with that gift is directly related to how other people treat and view you. Hate in not the antithesis of love, indifference is. You cannot pretend to not care through hateful actions or comments.



" If a tin whistle is made of tin, is hook kick made from a hook?"


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