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Devastating move for people able to do fast body movements

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(WARNING: When I say devastating, I also mean extremely dangerous, do not attempt if you are an ametuer looking at this post because you thought the topic sounded cool.)

As the title says, you must be capable of extremely fast body movements, and when I say fast, thet means FAST. I'm not kidding with this. This move done improperly has a chance of paralyzing or killing the reciever of the attack, which would be a very bad thing to happen. Also, do not dothis move on anything hard, mats and tatamis only.

Ok, with all of that said, here is the explanation. First, you have to find a opening in which to do this, about a 3 sec window. Beginning with swinging the leg on the dominate side of your body a full 360 degrees and use the centrifugal force to speed up your rotation. This is done in the form of a sweep kick. Done correctly, when you hit your opponent, they should start falling.

Begin rising up and bring the elbow on the non dominate side of you in the form of an elbow smash. The difference is that this is not a smash, but slamming the back of your upper arm into the side of you opponent who is currently falling. This is the dangerous part where if there is not enough speed in your rotation you run the risk of hitting the other person in the side of the head. In almost all cases, although there have only been a few, this causes the neck of the opponent to break, either damaging their spine and paralyzing from the neck down for life, or the highly unlikely but possible breaking of the spinal cord, in which the central nerves are severed and all bodily functions from neck down cease to operate, including the heart, causing the entire body to shutdown and killing the person. You have been warned.

With that said, I will continue with the explanation. When you perform the elbow smash, this will cause their falling to slow down.

At that time, instantly perform a rondhouse kick with the other leg into the chest of the opponent, causing them to fall and "go down for the count."

Please, please, please make sure you are able to do all this in about 3 sec before you use it on someone. I am not responsible for any injuries caused by people using this move.

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3 seconds is quite a long time for a martials arts "move."

I find it difficult to respond to the post in a manner that satisfies the TOS.

If you think only of hitting, springing, striking or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him. You must thoroughly research this. - Musashi

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wat type of sword are you using for this cause if its a katana there is a proper way to cut that not many ppl can do even at a break neck speed it has different mechanics

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"

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Sounds like the Tasmanian Devil spinning around. Maybe you could download a clip for us to see? I have trouble learning without visuals sometimes, and I think some of the others would like to see it too.

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i could swear thats the 46 hit combo from mortal combat :lol: jk man. VERY creative. Couple questions, how long have you been doing martial arts and how old are you?

No Way!!! It's from Tekken. :P

Video-Do, the art of virtal deathblows on virtual opponents..... :o

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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