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Ki how, who and... mastering it


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Since 2 years, I found the way to developp the Ki and was wondering if my story is unique or not... Still, I can't control it.

I readed articles about people who can be as strong as 10 men just because of the stressing situation. Scientists find that adrenaline is the actual responsible for this result. I tried to find a way to force a rush of adrenaline in my body. I tried a lot and lot again... Finally, I found a way that was not what I expected.

I Began to look for good emotions and focus about that strenght. The same strenght when you're in love for the first time and you think that your friends are the best and are always there for you. The same strenght when your life is a good life and you feel very good. I failed to find the ki that way. It is true that my muscles pain was easier to bear.

I tried with "emptyness" mind and focus only on my body : my agility, my force, my weakness and so on... I failed again.

I found it... Yeah, it was really a bad day that day I found it. Too many bad things had happened and the moment to try this was arrived.

With all my mind, I tried the bad feelings and focus on all the bad souvenirs and emotions and... stressing situations. My hands was shaking and my hearth was beating fast. I bring back all the bad emotions/memories I can find and began to make it a pure force. I was really nervous and somehow, my blood began to be cold. In the process, I sensed a rush of pure force but my mind was losing his harmony and presence.

Today, I feel stronger when angry and find that the best way to be strong is to be angry. But, It is not the way of karate... it is not the way of life. And the rush for force ("ki") "appears" only on bad days. Can't control it !

Is there someone who masterized the Ki and the bad/good/unknow emotions about it ? Is there a way to find it using good emotions and preserving the mind ? Else, I'll continue to try pushing the limits using this side of my personnality...

Thanks for the answers

Gardangel, Shotokan Black Belt

Extra force comes with a rush of adrenaline

Unfortunetly, you can loose your mind...

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I'm sure about what I tried. Is it only a part of "ki" or a hole thing ? Can't be sure. It's always about learning.

What do you think ?

Extra force comes with a rush of adrenaline

Unfortunetly, you can loose your mind...

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The power of the mind can be quite intriguing. I don't necessarily feel you were focusing your ki in the way your think, though. When angry everything about us becomes constricted. Our blood vessels constrict increasing blood pressure, norepinephrin and adrenaline are common responses to highly agistated psychological states.

It's very possible you experienced a lot of anger, perhaps rage, I don't know of course. But what I do know is that your real power is going to come while experiencing mushin, thus is my experience.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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I've read the book "Chi Fitness" and it says that there are two base emotions: Love and Fear. it says when being mad or angry you're giving away your chi. So as how that would make you stronger? no idea, plus I don't see a correlation between ki and adrenaline...

A New Age Dawns

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Chi Fitness ? Love and fear ? Mushin ? Well, I'm sure it is the way of wisdom writen in a lot of books... Einstein didn't find his theory in books : he invented it ! How you can be sure thats the only way available ? What about those who cannot understand "love" or "fear" ? Adrenaline is, in theory, an animal reaction to a stressing event. There are stories about people able to lift a car just because a friend/son/whatever were under it. I don't think they talked/though about love or fear when they lifted the car. It was just a hormonal reaction to that event.

I'm searching about myself : how I can control it ? I'm sure the extra force comes from bad feeling like rage. How can you explain why master Gishin was so strong ? I found the guy was small and look as fragile as a child... Thus, he was considering to be very strong. Thinking of it, his visage looks angry on the classical picture of him (the same picture all shotokans dojo has) (well, I think so).

I'm looking inside myself to understand the feeling I can't understand now. Maybe there are people who find their extra strenght like mine. I'm not sure about the rest of humanity but I'm sure about my reaction and my extra force. You don't call it "ki" ? Well, I'll call it "extra force" if you want. I don't want to start an argument about a word or a thinking... I need a hand.

Help me understand the feeling please. After ten years of hard practice, I'm in front of the biggest mystery of all my life.

Thanks in advance.


Extra force comes with a rush of adrenaline

Unfortunetly, you can loose your mind...

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I understand mushin to be "no mind".

But as I've said, mushin is simply my experience. It is possible you can get this through several different methods, but one thing I refuse to accept is that the way to such physical ability is through anger.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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Well; this is interesting...

people who can be as strong as 10 men just because of the stressing situation

Well; the body can do very "unexplained" things during times of stress...

Ki is the effects of adrenaline?

In a way, it can be... Adrenaline is a hormone, which helps the body convert more glucose and oxygen into energy... So in way, Ki can be the cause of it...

how I can control it ?

Not trying to sound padantic, but if you can not explain the use of it, then you can not be able to control it...

As for your experience that you described, I think it is just pure rage... You must remember that people experience things differently, hence why we are unique... Yours sounds like your body was recieving too much adrenaline, and it couldn't cope with it...

Is there someone who masterized the Ki and the bad/good/unknow emotions about it ? Is there a way to find it using good emotions and preserving the mind ?

Going back to T.C.M, your experience with only rage and ager etc seems to be with the Yin side of the Yin-Yang, and to preserve the mind, I don't think you can do... Once you've realised that it only uses Rage etc to use, then i think only Rage it is that can create it...

To know the road ahead; ask those coming back... ~ Chinese Proverb

" The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants. " ~ Master Funakoshi

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while in rage a couple of things happen- your eyesight and visual retention diminish(your visual field gets reduced). you get an adrenaline ruch among others.

It is normal to feel stronger and even invincible when in a rage. Everyone gets that. However, in a rage you lose your ability to concentrate, you lose oxygen quickly, sight... its not something comfortable for martial arts-

maybe thats a way to achieving strength quickly for other purposes;escaping a situation where u need to use strength quickly or something like that.

However, in true meditation, correct body mechanics, and the search for true ki that can be achieved if you try hard enough as you should try. Give other techniques more time, find an instructor to help you.

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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