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Too fat or too late to do this?

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I've heard of people in their 60s and older starting their martial arts training. I've also seen both spectrums of the physique, "in shape" to the not so in shape. I'm of the latter, trying to improve after several years of downtime due to injuries. I have my disability, but do my best anyway. So, don't let a few pounds stop you from experiencing something new.


what goes around, comes around

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  • 6 months later...

Helio Gracie is 93 and is still rolling. Even if he'd started at your age, that'd be 70 years.

I'm 24 and just started myself, and the range of ages in my beginners' class is about 18-40 with most around 20-25 (to my estimate).

Battling biomechanical dyslexia since 2007

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey everyone. My first post here. A guy I work with has got me very interested in the idea of studying a martial arts discipline. I've always wanted to, but have been way too intimidated. I'm 5'9" and about 230lbs, i'm going to drop some weight, dieting/working out. But i'm 23 years old, am I too late to get into this and be able to be competitive at it, i'm extermely competitive and would love to be able to do this. BTW I'm in Rockford, Illinois so if anyone has any places to recomend please do, thanks a lot.


PS How will I know if a place is bunk?


Sorry for laughing. But if you're interested, just do it! How can you be intimidated? Anything that you may have trouble with (so long as you pick the right school) the martial arts will help you with. You're too fat? Go in for the exercise, put in a lot of effort, keep at it, don't kill yourself, and you'll drop those pounds. Trust me I was in your shoes once when I was 15. I joined martial arts and now I'm 175 pounds and looking darn good if I do say so myself :D And 23-years-old? That's prime! You can work it into your daily life and daily schedule easy!

As for looking for a school, I don't know anything about Illinois. But I do know that somewhere in that state is a Jeet Kune Do school. Try there. I wish you best of luck.

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One day 20 years from now, you may be the black belt on this forum counseling some kid who being born right now to start martial arts. You will only know the answer to your question if you start.

I think you will like the answer. :)

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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Started a year ago when I was 40 with my two sons (ten & eight yrs old). Its a great work out, great time to spend with my two boys, and I more flexible now then I ever have been. Also, all three of us have entered a number of tournaments which have reenforced our commitment to our training. Like others have said here, "it's very addicting and a lot of fun at any age". I wish I had started when I was old at 23.......Go for it.

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Train when you can, and think about training when you can't.

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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If you have tried getting involved with other things to get into shape, and have been disappointed by trainers who have written you off or intimidating environments in gyms, take heart. The martial arts are quite different, almost to a person. There are few sports or physical activities that offer you the same opportunity as an out-of-shape adult to start as raw beginner and, with a decent instructor coupled with honest effort on your part, transform your body and re-invent your lifestyle for the better. As a matter of fact, I just read that the trainer from "The Biggest Loser," Jillian Michaels, was an overweight teenager when she began training in martial arts as a teenager.

I started training when I was 19, at time when many people are giving up sports in their lives. I am 29 and have spent my twenties in better shape and more athletically capable than I ever was as a teenager.

"Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world"

-Dave Barry

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