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(Have You Gotten In A Fight)

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Have you ever gotten in a street fight before? I haven't...yet. If so, how long did it take you to react or did you use any of your MA skills? :karate:

Fighting over the internet is like special olympics...even if you win, you're still a *.

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The purpose of the martial arts is to prevent to fight.. but if you have to thats when you defend yourself. To answear your questions no i have never gotten in a street fight but there were times that i avoided it. Though i did get in a few fights at school.


When you fight all what happens is usually you get your adrenline running and you really dont think at all you just do very importent to remember. Your martial arts skills really dont come into play unless youve trained hard in sparring and they become second nature.


The real benfits you have though are quicker reflexes than the other guy and the ability to take a hit basically.

I am training for myself not anyone else.. to be the best I can be in everything.

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I've avoided them for years...but I love to spar, it's the best part.

Fighting over the internet is like special olympics...even if you win, you're still a *.

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I did. With a jurk that wouldn't take no for an answer. He followed me (from a bar on a board walk), grabbed me from behind, and took me down. He fell on his back with my back on him. I backfisted him in the nose, elbowed his ribs, and hammer fisted his nads. He let go. I got up, but he tried to follow again. He ran right into a side kick to the rib cage. He didn't get back up, and I walked away unhurt. I wasn't laughing then, but I am now. Jurks like that deserve it.


I think I reacted right away, because I knew he had bad intentions (a 6th sense, I guess). The funny thing was is I was only a green belt then, and I lit him up hehehehehe. I think if I wasn't in MA when that happened, I would have tried to fight back, but I would have gone about it the wrong way, and got scared. But I stayed "level-headed" and used what I learned, eventhough it wasn't much, but affective :smile:



Laurie F

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I nearly got into street fights many times uheheh b - coz i wanted it ^^ kkk




I would like to fight those people who think they are cool and all that I want to break and scrumble their noses


I always carry my selfdeffense knife if any one tries to mess up with me I am ready to use it and I also learned how to use butterfly knife when I was in 10h grade my friend Mr.Park so called 'War - Freak' has taught me how to use it but I think the best way is to avoid those fights that's gonna happen to you unless you are ready....


Actually my friend met those 'flying teenagers' in the street, infront of his house, they were waiting at the back of the cars( at the very dark night streets with no light ) trying to ambush anyone who looks rich and has much money or when they are drunken so it is easy to take money from them they are the human garbages!! :evil:


At first they hit back of my friend's head!! and they put him down they were three of them and then kept on kicking and punching and suddenly my friend try to get up but they stabbed him in the stomach so my friend lost his money and his confidence now he is in the hospital he is in comma like cannot move someone has to feed him :kaioken:


[ This Message was edited by: Jack on 2002-04-22 09:25 ]


[ This Message was edited by: Jack on 2002-04-22 09:25 ]

i am a korean boy who will rock korea with my fists may be next 10 years i am already a bruce lee of korea

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I haven't gotten in a fight since before i joined MA. All the people at school know I'm in karate so they don't try anything. I'm really easy to get along with anyway. But sometimes I wouldn't mind it. Just to knock people off their high horses. I think that's what a lot of teen MAists dream of though

cho dan TSD

"Every second that you are not training, someone somewhere is training to kick your butt"- Kyo Sa Lyle (my instructor)

"Where we going in 5 months?!?!?!" "Cali!!"

-Spring Break '04

"Life begins at 130 mph".

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plenty, which i am sure most of you will feel is wrong,


i didnt really use that much martial arts, but the blocking really did help though,


you loose it and you cant really think


most of the fights i were in were due to other people starting on me, and normally they would come in about 2's and are normally older than me



Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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