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What Makes A Good Martial arts teacher/student (long)

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That was an awsome post. Can I print it out and show my master? It fits him to a T.


I've been having problems lately, and he's been there for me. He's also a Kung Fu guy (on top of TKD). He's very understanding.



Laurie F

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On 2002-04-21 18:50, Taokara wrote:


My master is also a Budhist preist and a christian minister.


please explain.



"perfection, is something we all get closer too with training, but you will never get there and untill you accept this your mind will be limited in what you can achive"

- Dave

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Karate kid you can show your master.


What do i need to explain? A christean minister is just a preist so he had to get his rights to teach religeon just like any other preist. And a Budhist preist is a preist that teaches the ways of buhda. As you know many martial arts have philosophy practically all of them but most of the philosophy has been lost over time. All the monks and everything beleived in god and were very religeous. And they were the creaters of the arts.

I am training for myself not anyone else.. to be the best I can be in everything.

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