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What Makes A Good Martial arts teacher/student (long)

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Now first of all I would like to say that this is my masters writing so all credit goes to him.


Personal Disposition: In choosing a martial arts teacher , the most important aspect to look for is a kind and gentle disposition. Our true self , usually buried beneath years of misguided and habitual lifestyles , is one of love and compassion. A good martial arts instructor has spent many years cultivating his spirtual developement as well as his self-defence skills.


Part of a good Martial arts teacher's training must show through his or her behaviour. This means that they should be someone who has tamed their passions. Or in other words, someone who is not tempted by lust, greed and unjust anger.


This is done by what buddhists call mindfulness and concenttrated Awareness. Many people are uncomfortable around true Martial arts teachers becuase they are able to read the impure thoughts of students


Spiritual Knowledge: A good Martial arts teacher must be someone who is well read and knowledgeable in religious scripture, be that scripture buddhist or christian. Today it is hard to find a kung fu instructor who is rich in scriptuaral knowledge.


In fact our western culture has drawn a lot of angry and mean spirited people to Martial arts. these people tend to see themselves as competitive when in fact they are simply angry. The trouble comes from lack of spiritual insight. They feel that they are somehow separate from the rest and seem always to feel in conflict. This is the result of un resolved spiritual issues from childhood.


Direct Spiritual Expereince: To be able to appreciate Religious Scripture to its fullest , requires that one have direct spiritual experience. This usually is perceived as one haveing come to the realization or experience of reality itself... in other words a direct encounter with god or dainichi Nyorai


( personified aspect of the dharmakaya.)


Martial Skill: A good martial arts instructor should have acquired over the years , a reasonable ability in actual martial arts self defence techniques. As we all grow older some instructors may have lost their youthful strength , however, this is compensated for by their experience.


And, even if due to injury or health problems they are no loner able to perform the techniques at full speed or strenth, their knowledge is still invaluable to those new and up in comeing students. In short , keep in mind that your instructor does not have to be the current champion to help you be the best you can be.


Joyful Attitude: As we come to the end of what makes a good martial arts instructor, we find that he or she should possess a joy for teaching. Be they young or old , they should feel excited each time they teach a class. further a good martial arts instructor will never tire of teaching nor will they become frustrated when a student has difficulties learning. I hope i am able to fullfill those above requirements.


Good Kungfu Student: To us a good student is someone either seeking to attain purity of mind , this a life of wisdom and compassion , or someone allready there and simply wishing to enhance their life with teh fun of training in martial arts.


Well i hope you enjoyed that and please no flameing. :karate:

I am training for myself not anyone else.. to be the best I can be in everything.

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"Direct Spiritual Expereince: To be able to appreciate Religious Scripture to its fullest , requires that one have direct spiritual experience. This usually is perceived as one haveing come to the realization or experience of reality itself... in other words a direct encounter with god or dainichi Nyorai


( personified aspect of the dharmakaya.) "


--- Well, that kinda rules me out then. I must be a real poor martial arts teacher by that standard. Still - I do have quite a good record for a) teaching people to fight and b) turning people's lives around and bringing them away from "The Dark Side" :lol:




2nd Degree Black Belt : Doce Pares Eskrima https://www.docepares.co.uk

Qualified Instructor : JKD Concepts https://www.jkdc.co.uk

Qualified Fitness Instructor (Weights, CV, Circuit, Kinesiology)

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Thanks you guys i wish some people would appreciate this more. Monkey ninja you may post it on your site just give credit to my master. And Yoda just becuase your missing that doesnt mean your a bad teacher at all these are just some points you seem to have plenty of compassion :bigwink:

I am training for myself not anyone else.. to be the best I can be in everything.

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My instructer studied many diffrent martial arts. He is a black belt in jujitsu ,okanowan karate, And a mixed form of tai chi mantis and 7 star mantis.


He also has studied shaolin kungfu and ba gua. He street fighted alot in his early days (20's) and from what I hear he was supposed to be realllly good until he had a heart problem.


His brother studeid with Master Oyata so he knows quite a bit from him to.


My master is also a Budhist preist and a christian minister.


That Master has been in training for 34 years. I got a second master but i really dont know the details of his training hes been doing it for 22 years hes a black belt in kempo.


[ This Message was edited by: Taokara on 2002-04-21 19:29 ]


[ This Message was edited by: Taokara on 2002-04-21 19:53 ]

I am training for myself not anyone else.. to be the best I can be in everything.

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