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Does it really work? I try; I really do but i can't seem to meditate. I think i preform 'walking meditation' when I'm out walking and I do not pay atteintion to my surroundings I just think but if you are getting readt for a fight, whould meditation help? if so, how would you do so?


If nobody is perfect, then hi, my name is nobody.

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i actually have a tournement today. will be fighting at about 4pm. i meditate with breathing exercizes. standing in a riding stance, arms crossed breathing in as they go out in front of me they uncross and start a circle, still breathing in asmy fists draw upward tward my arm pits, then releasing the breath as i push away making a diamond with the index and thumbs tightening all muscles wgile doing it.

this is actually our breathing warm up for class, but i use it to meditate or just to collect myself if i'm angry or upset or even for a headache

be polite, be patient, be alert, be brave, do your best, respect yourself and others.

"you may knock me down 100 times but i am resilliant and will NEVER GIVE UP"


Breathing is a key element. I can't explain it in writing well enough to be effective. Find a school or an instructor who can personally assist. Good luck

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt


Breathing is definitely important. Try kumite for 2 minutes while holding your breathe. This will result in a lot of tense actions and a very short lived match.

I think meditation helps you to relax and stay calm in a heated situation.

How you meditate is up to you. Whether in a horse stance, sitting on a couch, or kneeling on glass just remember to breathe.

Ichi Geki, Hissatsu

one strike, certain death


Should you think about anything inparticular like a forest or somewhere when meditaing...I've herd some people take spiritual quests when meditating does that work?

If nobody is perfect, then hi, my name is nobody.


If you're just getting started with meditation, you should try it in a quiet spot without too many distractions. Just try to concentrate on your breathing - if a thought pops into your head don't dwell on it, just as you are exhaling try to imagine it leaving your body.

This is very helpful if you are nervous or stressed, or like you said getting ready for a fight, imagine you are exhaling anything that is troubling you. This is really basic, but it does help!

Also I would advise against meditating and not paying attention to surroundings while walking, as this could be hazardous. :P


I have noticed in my training how much more effective I am when I am relaxed between techniques, if I don't concentrate sometimes I will chest breathe and tense up and run out of juice really quick. I think it is really important to teach breathing and relaxation. I am in training for Black and after 5 years just realized on my own how important this is. :idea: I think visualization is equally important. I had back surgery 5 months ago and just went back to TKD a month ago, but right after the surgery I began visualizing every technique, especially the difficult ones with success, it works wonders!!

"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. They will say you're not good enough, strong enough or talented enough; you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. ………..….


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Regular sitting meditation (zazen) practice is a great help in remaining calm and controlled in a fight situation. You will think more clearly and things will appear to slow down around you--at least that's been my experience. I meditate 20 minutes in the AM and 20 at night before bed, trying to maintain a calm state of awareness. A sort of stilling the waters, so to speak.

Meditation is really only useful if you practice it regularly. Even ten minutes each day will make a difference, IMO.

With respect,


"If I cannot become one of extraordinary accomplishment, I will not walk the earth." Zen Master Nakahara Nantenbo

"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." Samuarai maxim

"Knowing others is wisdom; knowing yourself is Enlightenment." Lao-Tzu

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