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Did I pass?


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I went for my black belt a few weeks ago. I was told to expect the worse and to keep clear focus on what I was doing. My sensei has always had confidence in me. I even had a chat with his wife in church once were she said "Oh you are the new kid. My husband says you have alot of potential." Well you could imagine the confidence boost this gave me. I was only 13 at the time, childish and stupid (still am now at 16 :D ) and I have past every grading from white belt to black belt. I dont feel accomplished tough. My main aim in life is to perfect my karate as is most Kareteka, but when I have taken my gradings, I feel as if I have been let of to easily. I made huge mistake. Forgetting kata names (luckily not forgeting the Kata itself) falling stumbling and so on. When I got my black belt though it didnt feel as if i deserved it. It was to easy to get the belt itself. I even got my second highest score in my grading history. (71/100). I think maybe that my sensei has let me of a bit to easy for this. To the point really. I think teachers are letting people get their grades to easily and this is causing cockiness for the kids.

"If instead of fighting with him you say to your enemy, "You have won" and bow before him, that is the biggest deed in the world."

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You may be right about teachers not holding students to the standards that we think they should. However, you can't let that bother you too much. Do the best you can within your system and do everything you can to understand completely what and why you are doing things.

I don't concern myself with what others do, or how they perceive me. I give my all to whatever I do and let the chips fall as they may. Trust me, with your mature attitude, you deserve your black belt. :)



"If I cannot become one of extraordinary accomplishment, I will not walk the earth." Zen Master Nakahara Nantenbo

"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." Samuarai maxim

"Knowing others is wisdom; knowing yourself is Enlightenment." Lao-Tzu

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A mature attitude isn't enough, but it helps.

When I got my black belt though it didnt feel as if i deserved it. It was to easy to get the belt itself. I even got my second highest score in my grading history. (71/100).

If a 71 out of 100 is your second highest score... what grade do you need to pass on that test and others? If it's on a education grading system you'd be considered passing by the skin on your teeth.

Congratulations on passing your exam.

For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul?

Mark 8:36

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You said that your aim is to perfect your kata? That's great but know that it will take a lifetime. Good luck :)

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt

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If your sensei said you passed, then you passed.


Your sensei would not pass you unless sure. They have years of experience and can see the potential and the commitment you show.

I do believe that in some clubs it is easier to get to black than others. All depends on the overall standard pf the club and the students

Karate Ni Sentinashi

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Scully, it is normal to feel at a testing that you could have done better. You probably could have, but do not be hard on yourself. Who hasn't gone to a testing and gotten so nervous that they have forgotten something that was very familiar to them just yesterday? Everybody makes mistakes. I am sure that your instructor was taking into consideration what type of a student you have been and how much you have grown in the past 3 years. He would not have tested you had he not thought you were ready. Everyday that you train, you will get better. Never stop training, never stop getting better. Congratulations.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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If your sensei said you passed, then you passed.

Some schools pass students to fill their ranks with black belts. McDojos in particular seem to do that a lot. Guaranteed to have your black belt in 1 year!

Ichi Geki, Hissatsu

one strike, certain death

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I know my Dojo isnt a McDojo. We've had officials once or twice, and even helped grade blckbelts from other clubs.

"If instead of fighting with him you say to your enemy, "You have won" and bow before him, that is the biggest deed in the world."

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well, no one else is going to really say it, so i guess i'll step on toes now and not later. Though not to undermine anyone here because everything said is true in a certain situation, but it's all very, very, circumstantial. The truth is, some sensei are idiots. Some sensei of certain dojo could have the floor sweeped with there ego inflated heads by white belts from other quality schools.

There is no world regulation on who can teach what. I can claim to be a master of any art I want when ever I chosse, and if i get the proper business licence, i can teach it. Thats part of the reason many tae-kwon-do schools don't really teach tae-kwon-do.

Now I am not saying your master is fake or an idiot. Some schools, as previously mentioned, try to fill qutos, or play favoritism, or do things for a numerous amount of reasons. Master is such a misnomer. Don't serve them more than giri demands, just learn from them. You are your own master. And your obi has nothing to do with your skill as I am sure you know. So if you don't feel you have earned the skills your acredited for than fight your way to them. I mean, your a warrior right? you sound like one. So my advice, take it or leave it, is go work and work until you feel in your heart that you have earned it. Forget the obi. But if it is a real symbol to you than don't wear it till you feel you have earned it, and you don't need a test to know when you have, it's a martial art, not a martial science. And art is a personal journey. =)


Karate is like hot water, if not given continual heat it will go cold.

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