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I wanna ask ppl opinions on a situation

A guy who was promoted black with me in japan who seemed like a nice guy has let the color get to his head in fact he seems to advoid me and when my sensei ask me to work with a new person he takes that person away to feed his ego...now my problem is that he is a hazzrad no control and focuses on trying to hurt ppl with pure strength no technique he doesnt liek training with me cause i dont play into his game and prevent him from doing serious damage a give him his opening he is becoming brash and threnthen to break my arm at one black belt class and said he would kick my *Beep* (he cant though thats wats funny) any way what should i do as his senior to castize him or should i just ignore it

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"

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Gee, nobody needs to be verbally abused be they senior to you or you senior to them. Respect is alway welcomed and expected in the school. As for harming people, I am not sure what technique level is expected (full contact or what). Receiving a black belt (BB) in Japan does not mean that his techniques are more powerful than anyone elses although I have experienced people thinking that way (or wanting others to think that).

I knew someone who studied got their BB in Japan used far too strong techniques because he could not control his massive power which he obtained while in Japan. Our instructor at the time, also trained and promoted in Japan years before that, mentioned that a great BB not only has powerful techniques but great control of them as well. At the time that corrected the problem for a while.

I am not suggesting that this person be told this. This is just an old experience I had seen.

Abuse (verbal or otherwise) is not acceptable. Lack of control that can harm others is also not acceptable. Besides, nobody in a dojo should ever be threatening to kick another dojo member's rear end. :karate:

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt


Talk to your instructor about this, perhaps he can talk to the other BB. A black belt should make you more humble, not prideful. But don't let it cause you to lose your cool in training--just do your best and let your results shine.



"If I cannot become one of extraordinary accomplishment, I will not walk the earth." Zen Master Nakahara Nantenbo

"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." Samuarai maxim

"Knowing others is wisdom; knowing yourself is Enlightenment." Lao-Tzu


Confront the Black Belt and ask what his issue is before you decide to take this to your instructor.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.


thanks guys for the great feedback sunday in our black belt class it was just me and him and man was that akward but like they say keep training so i ignored it and learned something now from the experience

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"

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