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Weapons in Karate???


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For the training in Ryukyu Kobujutsu we do threek kyus of Bo, then two of sai, two of tonfa, and finally nunchuku for the shodan. So when you reach Shodan you have a good feel for all of the weapons basics...then you can pick one to specialize in.


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I grew up with archery, PAA and other indoor/outdoor formats, and I always wanted to take kyudo just to see what it's all about... It didn't seem that accurate from what little I've seen.

- Killer -

^ Cathal is right...

I go to other Dojos to train for the use of various weapons; I'm fortunate to have my Karate Sensei to teach me Kenjutsu as well as Kyudo! :lol:

Mizu No Kokoro

Shodan - Nishiyama Sensei

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Is it weapons in Karate???

If I understand what you're asking, I believe you're saying "Are there weapons in karate". In Okinawan Shorin ryu and Shudokan karate-do we do indeed study weapons, including the bo, sai, kama, noburikaman, tonfa, and nunchaku. Intorductory kata for the bo and sai are tokamina bo and chatanyara sai, respectfully.

With respect,


A slight correction: in Shorin-ryu we do indeed study weapons, but they are not considered a part of the actual system. That's why black belts can have different ranks in karate and kobudo - they are technically separate systems. Hell, "karate" even translates to "empty hand" - pretty much precludes the use of weapons.


In Shobayashi Shorin-Ryu weapons study is a part of the actual system. Our weapons kata were designed and adapted by Grandmaster Eizo Shimabuku so weapons usage in our system is uniquely considered Shorin-ryu, not separately as kobudo. We receive one rank in Shobayashi Shorin-ryu, not separate ranks in karate and kobudo.

Perhaps your system is different--the confusion is understandable as I did not specify which type of Shorin-ryu I study. There are of course more than one system of Shorin-ryu in use.

With respect,


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Yes, we practice the use of many weapons in our style. We practice jo and bo staffs, nunchaka, knives, tonfas, kamas, sais, etc. But we spend most of our time practicing with the katana. We do alot of traditional samurai techniques, etc.

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i do goju ryu karate and we do many weapons

i have studied sai, bo, eku, nunchaku and sword and others within my dojo have learned tatonfa and kama, and a variety of other weapons that come from china.

"good enough is the enemy of excellence"

Shodan Goju Ryu karate-do under Sensei Gene Villa

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As far as i Know. Most (if not all) Okinawan karate schools (shorin, goju, uechi, isshin, etc) do teach traditional okinawan weapons as part of the curriculum. Some of them even teach the weapons apart from the karate class, as a separate system kobujutsu with grades, belts, diferent kinds of katas and all that. In those dojos its not requiered to know karate to study kobudo, there are diferences in the basics stances and all that.

The Japanese Karate schools (shotokan, wado, kyokushin, ashihara, etc..) Don't requiere the knowledge of traditional okinawan weapons. Some do, other don't... when i was in shotokan we had a kobudo class, but it was apart from the regular class with another teacher.

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My Instructor does know and teach many weapon kata; however, it is not part of the curriculem. If you are interested on learning a weapon, it is apart from the traditional program and you do not receive ranking for any weapons learned.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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