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Crazy Situation

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I was parking my car going into my favorite coffee shop.....I got out of the car and turned to see a guy standing maybe 15 feet from me.

I looke dat him and saw that he was wearing a tee shirt that was tucked in his pants.

he said "I need some money"

i replied " i dont have any money to give you sir"

this guy then said " you lying you going in ck's you dont go in there unless you got money.

agian i replied.i dont have any money to give you.

he raises his voice......." n i will take you money" and took a step towards me.

i said.....if you want to die for this money in my pocket then come on.i will kill you and call the police while i stand over your body.

he stopped backed up, and said " i hate people like you" and walked off.

did i go over the top saying that i would kill him.............

i dont want a confrontation from anyone...i just want to live and let live.........bugt i also believe in being as agressive as the one that attacks you, i believe in fighting harder , and going for the gusto if need be.

brown belt kyokushinkia

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Bravo. I am not sure what I would have done in that situation. It is good to defend yourself, even if it is only verbally. By showing your self-confidence, you made this guy go pick a different target.

Not that it's my business, but did you report the guy to the authorities? Maybe give a description of a guy who might be hassleing others as well? Hopefully he won't choose any other targets.

If you felt that your life was threatened by this guy, then saying you would kill him is fairly appropriate.

People go on today about the levels of an encounter, and you have to respond with force equal to what is brought to you. I think this is bunk. It gives lawyers leverage to help set criminals free.

Good for you.

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I probably would have done the same thing, but I'm pretty sure that the threat that you made was illeagal, and if he were to go to the athorities with a witness, you'd be in trouble, but I'll ask my Law Source when he wakes up :)

You suck-train harder.......................Don't block with your face

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.

-Lao Tzu

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I would not have said "kill" but then I was not there and I did not experience your situation first hand...so don't mind me I probably would have done and said pretty much the same thing and thought twice about it afterwards...possibly :)

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt

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In Georgia you would be justified in using a threat of violence since he was attempting to rob you. Good for you for standing up to this guy--he'll think twice next time.



"If I cannot become one of extraordinary accomplishment, I will not walk the earth." Zen Master Nakahara Nantenbo

"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." Samuarai maxim

"Knowing others is wisdom; knowing yourself is Enlightenment." Lao-Tzu

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You did what you needed to do. Who knows what anyone would have said in this situation. You didn't get hurt and that is the most important part. I doubt you could get into any trouble by threatening this person. Really, what is he going to say to the police, "hey I tried to rob a guy and he threatened to kill me?" More than likely he already has a police record and I think your word would be taken over his.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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Good for you! I don't think it was inappropriate at all, though I'm not sure if I would have used the word kill, but who knows...

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, a spirit of power, and of self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

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Good job. I wouldn't worry about using the word kill:

1. he threatened bodily harm to you. You defended yourself without having to touch him. So what if you had to use the work kill? you didn't actually do it...

2. considering that you had no clue whether or not he was armed and he told you he was about to assault you, anything you did should be considered self defense.

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