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Nothin makes me more mad

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Than a double teamer, I remember this, When i was alot younger, My first fight ever, (dont see why im just remembering it now), The kid was mine, Went up to him gave a good grapple and lead it into a headlock, I was trying to get the kid to tap out i didnt wanna hurt him, I just wanted to prove to the little punk that he should be messing with me like he was, Anyway, Eventually he turned kinda red and i let go, Asked him to give up again, and he gave me a kick in the groin...

That hurt,

then, I got up and pushed him to the ground, Was on top of him and got read to punch, Once again asked him to give up, He didnt so i gave him a chop in the side of the neck, Just to make him lose alittle breath and cause alittle pain, Eventually i gave him a punch in the nose because he wouldnt give up, he blead alittle, and this whole time his big friend was hiding in the woods, Im saying big kids outweighd me by about 30 pounds ill tell you, He came out and grabbed my arms and dragged me off his friend, Then the one i was fighting origanaly jumped on me and started punching me in the stomach, I lost some air and side kicked him in the face, He fell down ,Then the big one through me onto the tar, Got alittle scrape, But so far a couple bruises was all i got, Then the big one was on me, And i had no problem with this kid exept he started attacking me, And after a few minutes the other one got up and they were on bolth sides of me, I told him that i wanted to fight one of them and that was the one that was screwing with me, The big one then pushed me across the tar and scaped a gash on my head, I was mad and i was bleeding pretty bad, So , i saw the weakness in the two, The big one wasn't hard to get out of the way a side kick kept him down and when i tryed to move towarde the kid i was origanaly fighting the big one kept forcing me back,

Anyway, I just walked away and he tells everyone that he beat me, And im sick of this crap, He still holds it to me, The little punk is gonna get what he has coming though, He made me look bad and everyone takes me for nothing now, But ive got a score to settle and this things gonna happen after this vacation im having, I made a post about it,

I just felt like sharing,

I want to see if anyone thinks what im doing is rong, that or has something to agree with me and wants to share a story of their own

Yeah yeah, Shut up already

Begginer-2nd degree white

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Don't hold it to the kids. While what they did was out of line and inappropriate, by taking it back to them you'll be seen as the agressor, and you really will lose face. It doesn't matter what others say, what matters is what you know. You know you won. It doesn't matter that others say you lost. I know it's not easy to listen to, but really, you always have to tust yoursrelf and ignore the others.

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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How old are you? A score to settle? :roll:

Welcome to McDojo's! One supersize blackbelt coming right up sir!

At Mcdojo's, your ability to succeed is only limited by the size of your wallet, and we back that up in writing!

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well, if you stay confident that you won, then why worry? If you know you won, then have the confidence to say so, without any doubt. who cares if they say they won. anyone can say things. im sure if you show your confidence, people wont doubt you. and who cares what people think. it was 2 on 1.

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How long ago was that fight? Personally, if it was recent I'd sa wth go at it...

But I'm SUPPOSED to say: use your fighting as a last resort.

Personally: if it was within a month or a week OR they mess with you in a BIG way, then you can fight them

Supposed: Ignore them.


--hello, who are you?


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if you go at them again, what will it prove? you're still alive - no broken bones, right? who are trying to prove your tough to?

since you were able to walk away (survive) - you won the fight.

it was 2 on 1, so they were the ones afraid of you.

A True Martial Artists does not go looking for trouble!!!

(Be Humble, there is always soemone out there that can beat you. this is why I train - to be the best that i can)

If you fight them again, you might have to fight 3,4,5, 6... of them.

Maybe they will have weapons now (bat, chain, knife...)

Losing your life or broken bones is not worth what people think of you.

Don't worry about what people think.

Let it go.

Ask your Sifu for suggestions on how to react if these 2 attack you again. he\she should be able to a better response than getting on top of someone when other attackers are involved. this will ensure you are ready, just in case...

Fear does not exist in this Dojo, does it! No Sensai!!!

Pain does not exist in this Dojo, does it! No Sensai!!!

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There are no "winners" or "losers" in a real fight. You were attacked, you survived, end of story. Anything else is Ego, and you can train that out of you.

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there is nothing to be ashamed of, by walking away from a fight. if anything it shows more about your character. anyone can get into a fight. but doing the right thing is most important. you fought 2 people at once. and you still won. dont let anyone bring you down. you know you won, and so do those 2 kids. so really, unless they try to hit you and fight you again. why look for another fight? you have nothing to prove. just pride yourself in knowing you did the right thing.

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