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a bad name for martial arts.

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I agree with you, Jay. But, I doubt that the general public would give it second notice. The damage has already been done with all of the martial nonsense out there.

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Thanks HongKong! It would be nice though. Did you see the show the Contender with Sly Stallone. I was just talking about this in another post. I loved that show. They cancelled it after one season because of lack of interest by viewers. That amazes me truthfully because the show was interesting. I think if someone did a MA program tastefully, it could work. It would probably have to start on one of the other channels like FitTV, TLC, or Spike TV. It would never make it (to start out with) on regular channels. Maybe that is what Sly should have done.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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do any of u think there is a way to revitalize martial arts from all the flasshy but not affective stuff u see on T.V. so it can get respect

2.) what reputation dose martial arts have from whwat u have heard, from other people

3.) i personally belive that UFC and others like have been giving Martial arts kinda of a pick-me up since they do talk about MA though it is mixed MA and not much of a tradiotional look to it, still its better than nothing.

i feel that the hole boxing techniques vs. MA techniques could go own forever as it has in previous topics over this forum, ( karate vs. boxing, kung-fu vs. boxing, etc) and it maybe a topic that may always be kinda hot, but needless to say that boxers are good fighter, i still belive that with the right amount of training any body with any style of fighting weather it be traditional styled MA or not can be able to defend themselves well, and if any style of fighting of style of fighting dose not train well enough than they wont be able to defend themselves well.

but to each his own and u should train in what style u like or works best for u, and there is is never a sure fire way to no just by ur self-defence style which person would ever come out on top it depends intirely own the people.

( hm... i am groing up)

PEACE :karate:

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do any of u think there is a way to revitalize martial arts from all the flasshy but not affective stuff u see on T.V. so it can get respect

2.) what reputation dose martial arts have from whwat u have heard, from other people

3.) i personally belive that UFC and others like have been giving Martial arts kinda of a pick-me up since they do talk about MA though it is mixed MA and not much of a tradiotional look to it, still its better than nothing.

Why do you care? seriously. Would you feel better about training TMA if it had a better rep? As long as you are content, don't worry about what others think.

As for mma, it hasn't done much for tma at all. it put muay thai and grappling in the lime light again, basically.

i feel that the hole boxing techniques vs. MA techniques could go own forever as it has in previous topics over this forum, ( karate vs. boxing, kung-fu vs. boxing, etc) and it maybe a topic that may always be kinda hot, but needless to say that boxers are good fighter, i still belive that with the right amount of training any body with any style of fighting weather it be traditional styled MA or not can be able to defend themselves well, and if any style of fighting of style of fighting dose not train well enough than they wont be able to defend themselves well.

but to each his own and u should train in what style u like or works best for u, and there is is never a sure fire way to no just by ur self-defence style which person would ever come out on top it depends intirely own the people.

Like I said, you're missing the point... it's not about a better style. It's all about superior training methods.

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I do not know exactly where you are located like town wise or area but I am also from the Cleveland area (east side - Solon) and I have seen the attitude about martial arts with some people. I would just blow it off its nothing to be to concerned about.

Brandon Fisher

Seijitsu Shin Do

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My point wasn't about which style is better. I love training in Shotokan. I have an excellent (non McDojo) instructor. I also have great respect for the training styles of boxing. I am commenting on how boxing gets a better public opinion because you get what you see. No high flying, circus acrobat kicks, like what most programs on television like to promote as martial arts. My point is, if they put a program, a realistic program about martial arts on television, it may give a better representation of what many of us do in our daily training lives. I do not go to class and learn how to do back flips in my kata, or how to whip a bo around in a non-realistic fighting matter. They do so much realistic t.v. these days, it would be nice to see a show that followed a different, (non XMA) MA studio on a weekly basis.

that rep must be earned. people see wire acts in movies and point fighting in tournies and think tma is fake. Then, UFC pops up and TMA guys entered. They all got schooled, reinforcing the idea that TMA is ineffective. However, if some pure TMA guys started competing and winning, the opinion would change...

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I am not so sure why we call our arts "traditional." We try to make it sound like that was the way it was done thousands of years ago, when the arts were "founded." Most of the arts that you see have the word "do" attached to the end. This was not always so. "Do" means a way of life, or philosophy....etc. Sure most of you know this.

However, most of these styles started with an "ai" or "jutsu" (I think) attached to the end, which had a different meaning. It meant war, fighting, something kind of like that.....the exact translation isn't sparking me, but I have it in one of my volumes somewhere. Example: "bushido", as you all know, means "way of the warrior." "Bushai", simply means warrior. Bushido stemmed from the feel to lead a warriors' lifestyle after war was not needed, ie. be brave, have integrity, protect the innocent, protect your homeland, etc.

Anyways, when these fighting styles began to be put aside because of peace, occupation, replacement by firearms, or what have you, they were eventually preserved as the "traditional arts" that we know today.

These ancients didn't do forms...not in the fashion that we experience them today. They trained as armies, by drilling. They drilled all day, with weapons, with partners in hand-to-hand, etc. Ok, they may have practiced move segments to familiarize with the moves, but then is was on to drilling.

Boxing was lucky. It never got systematized. Sure it got some rules added to it, to make it competitive, but is has retained most of its applications.

The one thing that traditional martial arts has going for them is that they are more inviting to children and less aggressivley natured people.

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Thanks HongKong! It would be nice though. Did you see the show the Contender with Sly Stallone. I was just talking about this in another post. I loved that show. They cancelled it after one season because of lack of interest by viewers. That amazes me truthfully because the show was interesting. I think if someone did a MA program tastefully, it could work. It would probably have to start on one of the other channels like FitTV, TLC, or Spike TV. It would never make it (to start out with) on regular channels. Maybe that is what Sly should have done.

Yes, I did see the Contender. It was a pretty good show. Most people aren't intrested in martial arts. They want to see people doing 720 spin kicks and fools hanging from wires shooting chi blasts from their hands. Most people wouldn't recognize a real martial art if they were side kicked in the head. Spike has a hit with the Ultimate Fighter. It would be nice if there were a similar show with other Martial Arts.

Welcome to McDojo's! One supersize blackbelt coming right up sir!

At Mcdojo's, your ability to succeed is only limited by the size of your wallet, and we back that up in writing!

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Of course there are advatages to both boxing and MA, but for so people one will work better than the other.For example I study a vietnamese art that combines soft and hard techniques.I'm 5'4" and weigh 113 pounds and I find that it is way easier for me to get someone to the ground with a soft technique that something like a direct punch.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, a spirit of power, and of self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

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Of course there are advatages to both boxing and MA, but for so people one will work better than the other.For example I study a vietnamese art that combines soft and hard techniques.I'm 5'4" and weigh 113 pounds and I find that it is way easier for me to get someone to the ground with a soft technique that something like a direct punch.

This is a good point.

However, i dont think the issue is the actual type of technique, its more to do with how these techniques are trained.

Often martial arts teach you alot of techniques and they are only tested against non-resistive opponents. This is important to do when you first learn, but the techniques must then also be practiced in an "open" setting, where other techniques are allowed and the opponent is reacting.

The good thing about boxing is you get a good chance to work on technique, plus apply it in a live situation.

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