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I'm a good grappler, and have more experience than my BJJ white belt shows because I grapple in Combat Hapkido and my BJJ training, until a few months ago, has been too sporadic to warrant promotion.

The other night, the guy who definetly DID NOT check his ego at the door was working with me. Seeing my white belt, with about the same amount of wear as his, he thought he HAD to beat me. During a time when we were supposed to be rolling lightly, working on positional control, he was going hard, breathing heavily, changing color, spasming this way and that, and desparately trying to secure a submission. His technique was awful, but he thought he was pretty good.

A few months ago, I would have given it all back and then some. Looking back, I realize I once had "I gotta win" syndrome.

But now, as he held me in his guard, I just maintained perfect posture with my hands on his belt, elbows tucked weight sunk down. I was calm, and a breathing no harder than I am now. I made a few light hearted attempts to pass his guard, but here my 30% intensity could not top his 110%.

It was really cool that I was able to best him using almost no strength and really good technique. Plus, I worked within the agreed upon rules.

I dunno what I expect for replys, but I just wanted to share this.


If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!

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some people think because they've got a higher rank or cause they're of the stronger sex, they'll win.

i've came across many of such cases.

guys can get pretty agressive at times.

guys in my country have a mentility that "they must win" and that losing to a girl equates to losing face.

as for your case, he must have had a tough time with you.

Good for you! Keep it up and maybe you'll get promoted quickly!


Kasumi - Aikido Shodan


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HAHAHA good point. BJJ's not the quickest art for promotions (not that it matters).

Good work! Nice to see you're keeping the ego in check and working on your technique. Keeping your cool always gives you the upper hand! Keep it up!

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open.

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It's been my experience that the calmer I am, especially while on the ground, the more I win. I'm constantly telling white belts to keep calm, don't waste all your energy at once. The ones who listen end up staying and get promoted, but the ones who insist on using aggression over technique, usually lose while rolling, (even though losing and winning is not what rolling is about) and almost always get frustrated and quit. I'm sure your partner will fall into either category rather quickly, but good for you keeping your cool. Maybe you can try explaining to him why it was so easy for you to win using 30% power and excellent technique over his 110% power and sloppy technique. This sometimes helps to bring students around to adopting good training methods. Good luck, and good training. :karate:

Tae Kwon Do - 3rd Dan, Instructor

Brazilian Ju Jitsu - Purple Belt, Level 1 Instructor

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I really admire that you were able to handle yourself the way you did. A lesser person would have succumbed to ego. Nice going.



"If I cannot become one of extraordinary accomplishment, I will not walk the earth." Zen Master Nakahara Nantenbo

"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." Samuarai maxim

"Knowing others is wisdom; knowing yourself is Enlightenment." Lao-Tzu

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Good technique will always win over strength.

that's not true.

as for the original post though, good job. I think most newbs start with that "I gotta win" mentality when it comes to bjj - that is about the only thing that keeps them alive while rolling, as they don't know as many, if any techniques. As time goes on, they learn more and will typically automatically learn to relax. It's all a progression.

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Good technique will always win over strength.

that's not true.

as for the original post though, good job. I think most newbs start with that "I gotta win" mentality when it comes to bjj - that is about the only thing that keeps them alive while rolling, as they don't know as many, if any techniques. As time goes on, they learn more and will typically automatically learn to relax. It's all a progression.

Like I said, its a progression that I've been through myself.

No, technique will not always win over strength. I agree with you there.

If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!

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