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aikido testing...

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hi all..

i've been doing aikido since june 2005 now and i am beginning to think about grading. there doesnt seem to be a great deal of mention of grading in aikido and i have been led to believe there isnt really a particular system for this.

does anyone have an opinion / advice / experiece in this matter??

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You can find the aikido testing requirements here http://www.usaikifed.com/testreq.htm

There is a system in place for ranking. After a specified number of training days, you can take a test where you demonstrate your ability to perform a given set of techniques. For your first rank, 5th kyu, you'll need 60 training days and your test will consist of the seven techniques (see the list on the website). A training day is a day in which your practice 1.5 hours or more. My dojo keeps track of our number of training days and lets us know when it's almost time for the next one. For your test you should of course know the techniques as both nage and uke, and you should know their names.

I don't know about other aikido dojos, but in mine there is not a huge emphasis on rank. We're not obsessed with belts. All the kyus wear a standard judo gi with a white belt, so you can't tell a person's rank just by looking at them. The dans wear a hakama, and their black belt is underneath. Most aikidoka I know don't worry about rank very much. Often, it's just a way of gauging how much you should already know. For example, some dojos might hold a class for beginners, and then a class for 3rd dan and above, or shodan only, but that's the only instance where I've seen significant mention of rank.

Where do you practice? I'm surprised that your instructors haven't informed you more about this.

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i practice at the budokwai in london. the sensei is absolutely brilliant - ive been to a couple of other classes elsewhere and they just dont compare. we do generally practice with the other ranks so it really isnt an issue and some of the advanced students still wear a white belt. we have a blue and a green belt in our class but apart from that they're either white or black. i dont really think our sensei sees it as being that important (afterall the belt is just a piece of cloth!) but i was just curious - its nice to know afterall, isnt it!

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