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Self Training


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i also know this stuff, its something really easy but its something that gives you good exersise, Its mid right punch, (Put right and into chamber after) Left punch mid, Stepforwoard with left foot and thrust punch with the right hand in chamber, THen with the right foot you just thrust kick, Beleive it or not, it did me well in sparring

Yeah yeah, Shut up already

Begginer-2nd degree white

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practice turning off light switches with round kicks its good for accuracy. Also do stretching while your watching TV or leg raises

The key to everything is continuity achieved by discipline.

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A good thing to do when working alone is to simply "go off" on the conditioning.

The best things to condition? legs and abs!

For legs, do squats w/left leg front x 20, right leg front x 20, legs even x 20, on toes x 20, jumping x 20. Do three sets. If you do this three times a week, your stamina and ability to take leg kicks will dramatically improve in short time.

Abs....crunch, crunch, cruch!


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I practice anywhere, anytime, under a wide variety of conditions. I have enjoyed training in the alleyway behind my business in a driving rainstorm, as well as practicing kata on the side of a hill behind my home. If I must train at home, due to lack of space I concentrate on balancing movements, superslow kicks and punches for control, and plenty of resistance training and ab work. And I am always ready to do a little light stretching if I have 5 minutes to spare.

In short, the world is my dojo.



"If I cannot become one of extraordinary accomplishment, I will not walk the earth." Zen Master Nakahara Nantenbo

"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." Samuarai maxim

"Knowing others is wisdom; knowing yourself is Enlightenment." Lao-Tzu

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elbows_and_knees has a great routine.

Besides kata and footwork, I mostly use my training time out of the dojang for conditioning work. That way I get as much out of my time in the dojang as possible. It's tough to work on everything you want to work on if you aren't in the proper shape to execute techniques the way you envision them.

For some reason, I also find myself working on combos much more often when I'm NOT in the dojang. I guess there isn't as much equipment, opponents, students, etc. to distract me.

Tae Kwon Do - 3rd Dan, Instructor

Brazilian Ju Jitsu - Purple Belt, Level 1 Instructor

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training on ground. ways to get back on your to feet after doing a fall or attacking on ground. use objects around you to attack and defend. flips, areals, one-handed cartwheels while performing combination kicks, punches, or blocks.

First courage, second power, and then technique.

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kata, kata, kata!!

Kata slow with mirrors and good technique.

Kata fast.

Is also a great work out!

I like that!

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt

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