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I was just wondering what everyones opinions on this was (basically why we go on these forums) Is there ever a need to fight? no matter what anyone says there is always a chance to walk away. However this may not be necessarily true as martial arts started to protect yourself against threats(contradiction). Another thing is that its in our nature to fight due to survival of the fittest etc

The key to everything is continuity achieved by discipline.

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I think the option of walking away is always there. But sometimes..you will have to stand your groud for whatever reason. I don't think there is a bully out there who at one point doesn't deserve to git knocked straight in the face.

I don't think violence is the best choice. But it works both ways. The attacker or bully choose violence and sometimes it becomes your life or theirs. If one punch in the gut will keep a bully off your back forever, then you should punch him. I don't think anyone should have to go through mental tormant either.

I guess In short, I believe you should do what you have to do.

I never said it wasn't dangerous.

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If someone is about to bash a little kid's head in with a baseball bat, there is also the chance to 'just walk away'.

More than half of the stories i've heard of people using their martial art skills was to protect someone else.

Of the other half, most of them were in cases where the minimum violence total was probably created by decisively applying violence - walking away wasn't a very -good- option due to the likelyhood of suffering harm in spite of leaving and the probability of the perpetrators continuing to be a danger to other people.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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I think that JusticeZero is correct in saying that it is used to help others as well. I am currently 23 and For five years I worked at a hospital in Phila. as security. We had a crisis responce center which is basically an emergency room for mentally unstable, drug abusers, and pretty much any undesirable violent person that for some reasonor another was not able to be legally arrested by the police. Some of these people came volntairly and wanted help, but most were forced to be there.

The police regulary brought in people that were mental and before they were allowed to enter the unit they, were required to lock there guns in a safe to prevent someone inside the area taking the gun and killing every one inside. (this area is locked and only a few nurses and the security officer possed the key.)

This unit was so crazy with having to restrain people and altercations breaking out that after a year of working here I began to take MA. This greatly helped me because I could quickly restrain a patient or at least have that confidence that would calm my nerves if I sensed a fight was going to begin. It was still dangerous because some of these people will not feel pain if put in a joint lock etc. but if worst came to worst I could at least hould out longer in a fight until backup arrives.

Now going through process to become a police officer I have very glad that I know MA to help protect others as well as my self. Also after knowing what MA can do, I think that ALL law enforcemnt agents should have more traning in this area. It would reduce the abuse of force as wel as keep them safe.

Sorry it was so long winded but in some situatuions it is hard to just walk away, espically when others are counting on you for protection (such as a person in law enforcement). I took one import thing away form here that will stay with me forever. Most of the time you can talk you way out of a situation, even when dealing with crazy people. YOUR MIND IS YOUR GRATEST WEAPON.

"Si vis pacem, para bellum."

- If you want peace, prepare for war-


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Violence is a tool. There is nothing inherently good or evil about it. It is the manner in which it is used that is good or evil.

It's best to avoid fights whenever possible. Believe it or not, I have never been in a real serious fight. I've been insulted, harassed, enticed, even had a few people start shoving me saying "C'mon, defend yourself."

I get angry, but then the realization hits. When I realize the power I have, the ability to break this moron limb by limb, my anger changes more to pity. This insecure, stupid being dares to insult me? I just shake my head and move on. The kind of people who try to start fights usually don't have anything to lose. I have a lot to lose, and I'm not going to risk it to avoid a moment of seeming "weakness."

Now, if I was actually ATTACKED, I would do whatever necessary to defend myself. Will that time ever come? Who knows?

If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!

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I myself have never been in a real fight, but violence is never the answer if its not for self-defense reason, like...If you have absolutly no choice, robber with weapon...you already were attacked.

"The mind is a powerful weapon"

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I myself have never been in a real fight, but violence is never the answer if its not for self-defense reason, like...If you have absolutly no choice, robber with weapon...you already were attacked.

I"m not meaning this rude, and say it only with respect: I use to work as a bouncer in a nightclub in California for several years. The first time some rowdy walks up and threatens to hit you in the head with a beer bottle for no reason or provacation, then we will see if you think there is no need for violence. After all, he has not hit you yet, so there for it is not "true" self-defense. Is it :-?

"Train HARD to be HARD"

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"Viloence is rarely the answer, but when it is, it's the only answer."

Tim Larkin

It's pretty much a black and white issue to me. If I think that there is a chance that someone will get hurt, I will fight. If the altercation can be solved without violence, great.

It's not real complicated.

If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!

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I too have never been in a serious fight (kid stuff only), and I have taken years of martial arts. I do think that walking away from a situation is best, however, I do not plan to allow any type of martial arts ego stand to fight someone with a gun. Hey if he wants my money without confrontation, then I am going to give it to him. I figure he is just as scared as I am. Unfortunately though, it is not always our choice to walk away. If I have to defend myself, I am glad that I at least have my experience in the MA.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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Don't get me wrongL I do believe in peaceful resalution, and I never use my pride or ego as a factor to decide if it is time to fight or not. However, I agree with UseoForce feed when he quotes Tim Larkin:

"Viloence is rarely the answer, but when it is, it's the only answer." 8)

"Train HARD to be HARD"

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