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streetfight techniques.. real combinations

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Man, what's with all the fight stories? Do adult people actually streefight nowadays? I think most fights between adults, when they happen, are drunken confrontations between siblings or cousins in family picnics. And of course, you wouldnt wanna take ol' cousin Dan's head off with that maewashi geri or uraken-uke you've been practicing, right? so all you do is push, shove, and yell....and then (after grandma steps in) say you're sorry and how much you really love each other.

Streetfights between strangers are liable to end up in shootings or stabbings, either at the moment of the fight, or later, when you least expect it (yes, they can find out where the cocky black belt who beat their * lives, and revenge is a meal best served cold). I grew up in a tough neighborhood, where adults dont fight each other, just becasue they know the loser will be sore and it will only end in an escalating cycle of revenge.

So, the best streetfight combination is to not start the fight at all, and avoid places where streetfights can begin. If there is any confrontation, leave then and there.

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snap kick to shin, jab to throat.

sidekick to knee, stomp to ribs(only if your in real danger)

if youve been pushed against a wall break ribs with a reverse punch followed by a groin kick.

if someone reaches to grab you, groin kick as they step in.

if some one throws a reverse punch, step at an angle towards them and throw a knee right into their ribs

"Live life easy and peacefully, but when it is time to fight become ferocious."

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i ended a fight recently with a sholder throw a boy (much bigger than me)grabbed me from behind around my neck.i grabbed his arm and sholder threw him.he was quite shocked that he ended up on the floor i think he thought id be an easy target lol




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snap kick to shin, jab to throat.

sidekick to knee, stomp to ribs(only if your in real danger)

if youve been pushed against a wall break ribs with a reverse punch followed by a groin kick.

if someone reaches to grab you, groin kick as they step in.

if some one throws a reverse punch, step at an angle towards them and throw a knee right into their ribs

There's some rather unpleasant attacks in there. Admittedly, dependant on the situation, i teach some not particularly nice techniques (Anyone that attacks a woman deserves all the eye gouges he gets) but the punching to the throat? You have to be very careful who you teach that one to.

This is my story

Although never being in a street fight (I'm a very confident 6'7, i find it's a real deterrent for most people, my confidence more than my size) i've had to use MA many times having been employed as security for various companies. Saying this, i've never thrown a punch or a kick at anyone outside of my Dojo. I've only ever need to use the most basic of blocks and simple restraints and i've never been hit. My philosophy is simple, winning the fight isn't about smearing the other person across the concrete, it's about stopping it without getting hurt. If i can do that by applying a basic finger or arm lock on someone till the anger is diffused then i've won in the best way possible. This has even worked when there have been multiple attackers by locking up the one and keeping him in the way of the others while talking to them.

The second you have to hit someone, you've lost.

edit: unless you're a female being assaulted down a dark alley, then hit them till they stop bleeding

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There's some rather unpleasant attacks in there. Admittedly, dependant on the situation, i teach some not particularly nice techniques (Anyone that attacks a woman deserves all the eye gouges he gets) but the punching to the throat? You have to be very careful who you teach that one to.

This is my story

Although never being in a street fight (I'm a very confident 6'7, i find it's a real deterrent for most people, my confidence more than my size) i've had to use MA many times having been employed as security for various companies. Saying this, i've never thrown a punch or a kick at anyone outside of my Dojo. I've only ever need to use the most basic of blocks and simple restraints and i've never been hit. My philosophy is simple, winning the fight isn't about smearing the other person across the concrete, it's about stopping it without getting hurt. If i can do that by applying a basic finger or arm lock on someone till the anger is diffused then i've won in the best way possible. This has even worked when there have been multiple attackers by locking up the one and keeping him in the way of the others while talking to them.

Granted, you should always try and defuse a situation non-violently, but sometimes there are times when this cannot be done. In a street fight, you never know what is going to happen. You don't know if you're assailant is brandishing a hidden weapon, high on drugs, has buddies hiding in the shadows waiting to jump in, or any other of the millions of variables.

We teach our students to neutralize the threat as quickly as possible then notify the authorities. If that means striking the throat, taking a knee out, or gouging an eye, then by all means do it, if it means you'll live to see another day.

Now that being said, we also teach our students to distinguish between the neighborhood bully who just wants to punch you a couple times and the stranger who approaches you near a dark alley holding a pipe.

The bottom line is, during a streetfight we will never know what is going through the heads of both the assailant and the victim. What I may call unreasonable for a situation might not be so to the person getting mugged. Perhaps they genuinely feared for their life. But I'd rather hear about one of my students tell me about how they successfully defended themselves than read in the paper about how they're in the hospital from a mugging gone bad.

The second you have to hit someone, you've lost.

edit: unless you're a female being assaulted down a dark alley, then hit them till they stop bleeding

I have to ask, why the double standard? What makes it okay for a woman being assaulted to strike their opponent until the end versus some guy who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? In the end, both are being assaulted and could very well be fighting for their life. Why give one gender the pass to utilize leathal techniques if needed and not the other. There's nothing "manly" about getting stabbed and ending up in the hospital (if you're that lucky).

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I think it's possible you've taken my post in a light it wasn't intended for. I was simply referring to 'My story' and the fact that as yet, i've never needed to hit anyone. The post asked for us to explain times when we've needed to use MA and how effective it has been. That was my answer.

God knows i agree with you. Some situations do demand more than an arm lock. I would be much happier with one of my students coming in to class and telling me how he had broken the knee of a mugger rather than having to visit him in hospital. We don't learn these techniques to never use them, there is a time and a place.

As for the second point

The second you have to hit someone, you've lost.

edit: unless you're a female being assaulted down a dark alley, then hit them till they stop bleeding

i firmly believe the first line, in that no-one wins a fight, that was my point there, sorry if it sounded like a double standard.

As for the second line. It's not that i'm giving one the rights to use lethal techniques and not the other. Males have just as much need to use them in dangerous situations and in my class i do teach it. It's just that I have a very real hatred for anyone that hurts a female and it stems from personal reasons. In my own opinion, if someone attacked me, i'd first try to talk my way out of it, if it wasn't possible, i'd end it as quickly as possible, stopping the threat, then walking away, having caused as little damage as possible before called the police. But i strongly believe that any man that attacks a woman deserves to get their face ripped off.

And i never said, getting stabbed is 'manly'.

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I think it's possible you've taken my post in a light it wasn't intended for.

Yes it appears I misunderstood your previous post. I took it as you were taking up a stance of a passive manner in defense in a life-threatening situation. My apologizes for my misunderstandings.

As for the second point

The second you have to hit someone, you've lost.

edit: unless you're a female being assaulted down a dark alley, then hit them till they stop bleeding

i firmly believe the first line, in that no-one wins a fight, that was my point there, sorry if it sounded like a double standard.

As for the second line. It's not that i'm giving one the rights to use lethal techniques and not the other. Males have just as much need to use them in dangerous situations and in my class i do teach it. It's just that I have a very real hatred for anyone that hurts a female and it stems from personal reasons. In my own opinion, if someone attacked me, i'd first try to talk my way out of it, if it wasn't possible, i'd end it as quickly as possible, stopping the threat, then walking away, having caused as little damage as possible before called the police. But i strongly believe that any man that attacks a woman deserves to get their face ripped off.

I think this clarifies things for me. The way I took this section was that you were insinuating that once a fight took place there was no way for a positive outcome (which in essence you were), but when it was followed up with the line about women defending themselves, it appeared (once again to me) that you were saying "hey it's okay if women need to use these things but men shouldn't." Basically that women needed more "assistance" in dealing with situations so it's okay for them to resort to more leathal strikes, but guys shouldn't because it's more macho to duke it out.

And i never said, getting stabbed is 'manly'.

I never said you did. I used the "getting stabbed as being manly" in reference to the above section where I misunderstood what I thought was double-standard.

After this clarification I believe we are pretty much on the same wavelength in terms of self-defense on the street. Just a bit of misunderstanding on my part (once again sorry)


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snap kick to shin, jab to throat.

sidekick to knee, stomp to ribs(only if your in real danger)

if youve been pushed against a wall break ribs with a reverse punch followed by a groin kick.

if someone reaches to grab you, groin kick as they step in.

if some one throws a reverse punch, step at an angle towards them and throw a knee right into their ribs

There's some rather unpleasant attacks in there.

Fighting tends to be rather unpleasant. Being efficient in a fight is what will get you out the quickest. Although some of these attacks may be difficult to pull off, they are still great techniques to get in if you can.

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