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streetfight techniques.. real combinations

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We all practice different m.arts all over the world. We take a style and individualise it. So after so many years how did it turn out. Id like to hear other peoples real life combinations that took place in the street. Did you cock your hand to your hip and reverse punch. Did you upper block reverse punch. was it a triple wing chun punch. was it an elbow and knee. Did it happen as you were taught in the dojo, or was it a slug fest till you got lucky. Ill go first. My first 3 streetfights after 10years ma.

Left jab- double leg takedown- right cross while he was on the ground-over.

Right cross. left hook. over. Hook caused swollen hand. hard to land bare knuckles.

R.cross- L. hook- R. cross- rear round kick chamber and snap style to upper arm- over.

My hands were down by my sides then i attacked as he moved forward. My punches flowed in a boxing style and my fists landed thumb up. Vertical punches seem to land better bare knuckles.

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I answered a post in another subject that i thought belonged here as well.

After 4 years boxing training and 2 years taekwondo i ended up in a street fight with a wingchun practitioner while his brother also a wingchun practitioner stood there and watched. After a bit of a qrarrel he warned me that he studied wingchun for six years and his brother 4 years and that i had better be weary of him. So i enticed him to have a go so he exploded with a flurry of vertical punches landing about a foot in front of my face as i stepped backed and round kicked him in the head. He was still on the ground when i left

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The early years was a testing ground for fighting. The techniques i learned in the martial arts were not effective so i took every oppertunity that presented itself to me without directly provoking it. The later years was pure self defense or defending others more vunerable. I realised early that you must test your techniques and succeed to have total confidense in your ability. eg. a closed fist in the head actually hurts your hand, conditioning your hands is not good in the long run due to the arthritis that is settling into my hands now. so i wouldnt reccomend conditioning.

Other techniques that seem to work in the dojo dont apply when used without padding. (gloves)

Bottom line is you cannot have confidense in your ability without testing your technique. Lets find the right techniques and practice them. Im hoping to find a few in this subject from others that have used them in real combat. Maybe we will all learn something.

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The term "If it works use it" is a paradox for most because you dont know if it works untill you use it.
My signature is only meant to reflect my philosophy on martial arts. If I come across any techniques, principles, or ideas that I like, I'll incorporate them into my style. I have no particular allegiance to any ONE style (no style is best). It also reflects my ideas about staying away from counter-productive training methods.

Don't read too much into it.

You can train full contact kickboxing and grappling and have a pretty decent idea of what works and what doesn't. Are you going to telll me that Chuck Liddell couldn't handle himself in the street because he never "tested" his techniques there? Are you going to tell me that MMA fighters are not good "street fighters?"

Of course, it would be nice to test my technique in the street. However, I live by a set of values. I don't like maiming people, I don't like the idea of becoming the component of society that fights over frivoulous matters. Plus, you never know when the guy's packing a gun or knife, or maybe his buddies will show up. It's not worth risking your life (IMO)

If I have the choice between walking away from a fight and "testing my technique," I'll walk.

If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!

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You cant beat mma for the real street fight effect. It has all the components of streetfighting that i have seen and been involved in but they are better at it. Most of us cant train as hard or as long as they do and cant commit to combat fighting as seriously as them.

If it works use it......... my point is a simple reverse punch should work but not if your hand isnt capable of landing a strong punch bareknuckle.

A karate chop to the neck i still read in books will end a fight.

I can go on and on.......

Most people are deluded in what their abilities really are. Not their fault, they have been taught to believe that. But if put to the test in a streetfight or an all out mma contest you get a pretty good idea of what u can do.

The idea of this subject is to share other experiences, because u cant argue with the real situation. It was tested.

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The few fights i've gotten into after learning martial arts were pretty quick. Not because i knocked them out with a strike, but my confidence scared them. It was two guys about my size trying to jack my bike. I didn't act the punk or act macho, I just told them that I knew how to defend myself. I think that if they saw any weakness, they would've attacked me. So, it wasn't knowing any strikes or kicks, but the confidence that comes from MA that protected me.

The other time, a kid tried to jump me and I stuck a mid-knuckle strike in his solar plexus and he went down pretty quick.

"See, this verse is blessed with this skill from a subject and verb specialist.

My lyrics hit ya mental like a double reverse crescent kick.

See, y'all can mention me as that emcee as 10th degree verbal black belt."

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So you agree MMA is a pretty good testing ground?

BTW: Have you ever been hit hard with a knifehand in the neck? It might not end the fight, but it is certainly a stunning blow. I was trying to describe the feeling to a member of my family who is in law enforcement. In his defensve tactics classes, they refferred to it as "having you channel changed," like on a TV. That's probably the best way to describe it. It's not fun.

If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!

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Even a jab can end a fight. Knife hands , hammerfists, palms. It all depends on your opponent. Can he absorb that blow or cant he. That is the question. The whole point of this subject is to see what combinations other people have used in real combat. Did they try a technique and it didnt work is all relevant. This is not supposed to be a debate but a list of effective techniques reguardless of style or technique

I was at a party and 3 men thought they would join in uninvited. I confronted the loudest of them which ended in him throwing a straight punch, i slipped it and left jabbed him in the nose. The fight was over but he said he would be back. And back he came with another 20 odd blokes which ended up with me in hospital badly beaten. Ill explain the details of that gang against 3 in my next post. Its not about techniques but how you effectively use them.

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