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Probably the most ironic Situation....


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Ive a dilema id like to share with you all, and ask your advice on.

The school I attend has been having a seriouse issue with "problem children". Chavs, rudies, rebels; call them what you will, they have a problem with themselves, and more importantly us 6th formers. Its manily the year nines (3rd year seniors) who seem to think thier some kind of gangsta, constantly using verbal and somtimes physical violence. Its not just a few of the kids, it the majority of the year group.

Now the school I go to has a strict "No Nonsense" bullying policy, that is they say they do thier best to catch and punish anyone caughty bullying. This they do, but herein lies the first ironic situation. If a year nine provokes a 6th former with verbal or even physical violence, and the sixth former acts the defend himself in any way it is the 6th former who is punished, often ending in suspension and an ugly black mark on their record. The rule created to protect us is the thing stopping us from protecting ourselves. :-?

On top of this word has gotten out that I study karate, and thier are a few people who seem to be trying to goad me into a fight. The teachers are completly ignorant of my situation, so no help their, and I find myself being targeted because of the very thing I study to keep me safe. Im hoping to join the army soon and really don't need any "Prone to violent verbal and physical outburst" remarks on my record. On top of that I don't want to use what I know and risk getting turned out of my karate club or somthing stupid.

Has anyone else been in this situation; targeted because they study martial arts, and how did/would they handle this current situation

Arrigato in advance

"Greet your friends with open arms, and your enemies with open hands"

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Yes, you'll always find there are some people who will try to start a fight just to prove something, once they know you study karate.

My advice is keep your cool. If they challenge you, refuse the challenge, but why not invite them to come to the dojo where they can try it out for themselves?

"They can because they think they can." - School Motto.

(Shodan 11th Oct 08)

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You don't need to worry about teaching them how to fight. People who are just intent on being tough invaraibly tend to lose patience and pick up a bat or a gun instead.

A few people at a studio where my band practices used to taunt me when they'd see me wearing an IKCA shirt. I'd smile at them. They decided to jump me while they were all intoxicated one day and summarily had their * handed to them. They do not taunt me anymore. :)

I know my situation is different than yours, but just giving a nice self assured smile to wanna be hardasses works wonders, and if you're confident enough in yourself inviting them to dojo also couldn't hurt.

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Perhaps you should make your teachers or the school staff aware of your situation. If you manage to convince them of the problem, great; but even if you don't, they will still remember the talk you had if something should happen.

The zero tolerance approach is, IMHO, based on good intentions, but is rarely the solution.

I hope this helps

The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence,

but in the mastery of his passions.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

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Talk to your teachers.

As a sixth former you're in a very important time in your education and you don't want some snot-nosed year nines spoiling it for you.

Talk to your teacher, school counsellor, whoever, just TELL someone about the situation.

Tell your karate instructor too, then he/she is aware of what is going off. That way you lessen the risk of being turfed out of your club for doing something foolish (which I hope you don't do).

Try to stay away from the idiots. If your 6th form is like mine was then you'll probably have some free periods. Make sure that wherever you are you're away from the trouble causers, even if you have to go sit in the library under the nose of a teacher for most of the day.

Good luck and I hope that you get this problem sorted out. Please tell a teacher, though, as they can't do anything to help if you don't actually let them know what's going on.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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My friends,

Anyone who starts a legitimate martial arts school runs under the credo in my opinion of fair play, open enrollment, and comprehensive human respect. Individuals who feel they can take on training athletes are obviously stupid due to their lack of respect to the given person, the sport, and the natural barriers untrained fighters have against the real thing.

Please do not respect people who decide to disrespect martial arts by disregarding what I said.


"Not all the best people can be found in the ring"

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i think by turning down their challenge and then offering them a chance to come by your dojo is a very good idea. Usually by playing it cool and giving someone that option it usually changes their entire out look of you because you are offering them something thus showing that you are "nice" and care about them in a way. Usually the mentality of individuals that would pick on others to show how tough they are are usually doing it to impress their own friends because of personal inadequacies with theirself. Thus by offering them an attempt to train at your dojo it gives them another way to make them feel better about themselves, encourages them to feel more confident about theirself so that they dont need to further trying to impress their friends. THen that person will no longer be a bully and turn out to be your friend, and then that person may turn around and help change their bully friends into nice people thus making a better society and helping in reducing further future problems.....granted we are talking about the long term effect....i think you should give it a try.

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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Usually the mentality of individuals that would pick on others to show how tough they are are usually doing it to impress their own friends because of personal inadequacies with theirself.

Actually, althought it is commonly believed that "bullies" act the way they do because of low self-esteem and a need to prove themselves better than others, it is actually because of unfounded high self-esteem. Of course, either way I think that trying to welcome people into the dojo would be a great attitude.

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