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I definately cannot do anything related to music other than play it on the radio.. but I do draw and paint. I used to be an art minor, but decided I didn't want to kill myself trying to graduate on time :D


Training 14 years

Kalkinodo Blackbelt

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I'm a musician, but you don't want me near paints or drawing stuff. First, I am terrible at drawing. Stick people are good for me. Second, I always, without fail, make a mess everytime I try to paint/color/use pastels/use crayons/use any sort of art supply...

As for the music, I play flute and trumpet. I'm 6th out of 11 flutes in our school Symphonic band (the good band, the other band has 12 flutes, I think), and I play 2nd trumpet in the marching band, jazz band, and pep band. Oh, and I sing alto in the Concert Girl's choir.

Music has been more valuable to me in the MA than I ever thought it would be...

Wow... All I do is keyboard, piano and sequence beats, compose crud on my computer/synthesizers/crap. I used to be into saxophone back in the day, but that was back in Colorady.

Care to explain how it's effected your martial arts life? Maybe breathing?

I once had a way with 3D art (Milkshape, Wings3D, Rhino, bla bla), but I too, am horrible at manual art.

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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I didn't know that KL! We have a lot in common, it's scary. I played trumpet for 10 years in school, was number three in the symphonic band and number one in our jazz band in Marion. I think dancing would be a really great help as well. Bruce Lee was a Cha Cha Champion once upon a time, if I remember correctly....

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I practice calligraphy, and enjoy drawing kanji. I am woefully underskilled, but improving weekly.



"If I cannot become one of extraordinary accomplishment, I will not walk the earth." Zen Master Nakahara Nantenbo

"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." Samuarai maxim

"Knowing others is wisdom; knowing yourself is Enlightenment." Lao-Tzu

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Musician (hornplayer) here. I've done far too much and reached the peak of music playing when I was in the National Youth Orchestra (the only way to ever play in something better is to become pro) hence the going towards MA now.

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I like to do a lot of 3d modeling and also quite into photoshop(It's my career). I'm also slowly and painfully teaching myself how to draw.

There's no place like

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As for Bruce Lee being the Cha Cha Champion...I definitely had not heard of that before.

As for how my music relates to my MA, one of the biggest things is abdominal breathing, especially with that blasted trumpet. I enjoy playing it, but I really wish the school would let me use a better instrument. Anyway, on the flute, it's hard to really notice, you don't use a ton of air on that thing, and a lot of the girls who breathe from their chest can still play...but most of them are in the Concert Band. The Symphonic flutes are ususally much better (unless they're the seniors let in by pity from the band directors, then they're pretty awful.) The trumpet was one that I especially began to notice, though. I had a very difficult time starting out with that instrument. I finally started making a lot of progress this year, though, because I realized how you need to breathe for that thing.

Besides the breathing aspect, the music helped me in that I can find rhythms fairly quickly if I listen, or really, stop to feel it.

Also, one of the only times I really, truly relax is when I'm playing my flute. Knowing how that feels to really relax is going to be a piece I need soon.

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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deff know what you mean about relaxing! When I have far too much work I go book a room with a piano and play for 2 hours, it's a great stress relief! especially late at night...

I think you should come visit the UK sometime, it's a country of musicians. Cynical ones, but amazing too. How come you don't own your own flute?

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I own my own flute, it's the trumpet I don't own. I love my flute to death, and it's easily one of my most precious possessions. I quite possibly have the best made flute in the band, and I'm glad to have it.

The trumpet is a school-owned instrumet since I'm not a "real" trumpet player, meaning it's not my normal instrument. The trumpet/cornet/thing is very old, covered in dents, and half broken. The valves stick all the time, no matter how much oil you put on them. It's impossible to tune, there are slides stuck on it that I can't budge, no matter how hard I pull and no matter how many people I get to try and help me get it apart. It's an old piece of junk.

Next year, if I'm lucky and favored by the band directors, I'll get one of the newer trumpets. Then, some freshman will get my instrument.

I'd love to visit the UK sometime, I've wanted to go there since I was a very little girl. The music, the history, the culture, the stories....I was hooked before I even stood a chance.

I'm mad at myself. I have a five day weekend for Spring Break, and I forgot my flute at school. I remembered my music, but forgot the instrument.

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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I find it quite strange how in the US you have so many "bands" but so little proper repertoire symphony orchestras... although I guess that's what you mean by "symphonic flute"? If you like the trumpet may I recommend the horn? It's the best orchestral instrument in that 1. the parts are usually quite easy so you can sight-read most of the stuff during the performance if you're good (work at it if you're not) 2. it gets all the nice singing emotive solos (and you sleep or read during rehearsals).

Oh and there's almost no hornplayers around so you'll always get good parts as opposed to flutes and violins who fight for solos. And you'll have the respect of both the woodwind who see you as part of the brass and the brass who see you as a nobler part of them. Mmmm sorry forgot no politics on karateforums :P

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