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If you could do it over.....

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Looking back, the one thing I definately kick myself for not doing when I was younger was taking wrestling in school. Now I really wish I would have done that especially since Wrestling was very popular where I went to school. It would have really helped my BJJ training I do now I think.

"You know the best thing about pain? It let's you know you're not dead yet!"


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Echoing what Pineapple said, I've learned something from all my instructors whether they were good teachers or not so. Even if its what NOT to do!

I totally agree. For me, I wish I started at my first dojang earlier and gotten my BB there before I moved.

Laurie F

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I wish I'd started in MA a lot sooner than I did. I probably would have chosen the same arts, same schools even. I regret not being able to continue with my Aikido training, so if I could do my life over I'd try to continue Aikido as well as my other MA training.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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if I could go back to the beginning of my kenpo training the one thing I would change would be, the speed at which I went through the belts, I am now a brown belt after only 4years training, although I take great pride in my belt and have worked hard for it, competitions would be a little easier if you know what I mean??

For example when I enter competitions I am up against people with up to 15 years experience and in I come with only 3years of competiting under my belt.

"a one sided martial artist, is a blind martial artist"

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Changing the path chages the experience and hence the outcome so embrace your destiny and learn from your mis-steps rather than wish to change the journey.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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well if i changed anything my little cousins wouldent be here technically. because by me takin karate my instructor was introduced to my mothers sister which is my aunt. and they got married now my koncho is my uncle which is an advantage because i dont have to pay for training or anything so the only thing i would probally change is how much i was motivated in the beginning.

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I would have just stuck with it. i took 23 years off after studying for 3 years (went in the Army) Now that I have a son I have taken him to my old Sensei and started training again my self. Some of my old friends are now 3rd and 5th Dans (not easy to get GoDan in JKA as a gaijin who is not running a dojo yourelf) if I had stuck with it i would have 26 years experience and be around a 4th or 5th Dan my Self.

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that is also a regret of mine. I started when i was 13. Though I liked training, I didn't dedicate myself to my practice as much as I should have.

If I could go back I would probably stick with the same dojo (as it was a good school when I started. It's gone downhill now), but practice harder..

took the words out of my mouth. Even though I started younger than 13

im G A Y and i love you i W A N K over you EVERY DAY!!!

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I don't think I would change a thing. It has been a great learning expierience so far. Even the aspects or techniques that I don't like or don't think work still offer some type of learning. Wheter the learning is that you need more practice in this area or just that the technique does not work for you is still learning.

"Si vis pacem, para bellum."

- If you want peace, prepare for war-


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