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Question for all Black Belts (real black belts)

Kyle Bryant

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I'm going for my 1st Dan Black Belt in Shotokan this Summer... before i can test or do the 2 pretests i have to do some paperwork.... i need to know what National Black Belt Rank must be achieved before you can teach a class independately?


[ This Message was edited by: Kyle Bryant on 2002-04-24 18:35 ]

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"National Black Belt Rank" - What nation are we talking about?


As far as Shotokan in Japan goes I think from memory its Sandan (3rd Dan).




2nd Degree Black Belt : Doce Pares Eskrima https://www.docepares.co.uk

Qualified Instructor : JKD Concepts https://www.jkdc.co.uk

Qualified Fitness Instructor (Weights, CV, Circuit, Kinesiology)

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In the US there is no national black belt standard. Anyone who wishes to open a school can do so. And this issue does cause a lot of :argue: discussion.


For the most part if you are part of an association it is there rules you must follow.



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anybody can LEARN up to the 10th dan of karate, but do you think they could even TEACH the basics?


i believe there is an instructors exam seperately, but of course im sure you have to at least be a brown belt



Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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Our school, as it is in Japan, a teacher must be at least 3rd Dan. He must complete a special course on teaching. He must have trained in Japan and hold a first aid qualification. Its not easy to get.


These days becoming a teacher is to easy to do for some schools.



7th Dan Chidokai

A true combat warrior has to be hard as nails in mind, body and soul. Warriors are action takers and not action fakers. If you are cruising, make time for losing

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I started teaching with another instructor when I was a brown belt and then was allowed to start teaching more independently once I reached Nidan, but I did not get to teach alone until I was a Sandan. In my school I will start training asst. instructors at shodan and I allow each of them to choose two brown belts as their assistants. They can test for an instructors certificate at the nidan level. I don't think anyone in the United States has any set level that they allow for people to start teaching(depending on system), but every school is different.

"let those who shed blood with me be forever known as my brother."

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