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Tang Soo Do question

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Hello, I was just wondering if anyone knows if Tang Soo Do is a good form to learn?

I know its mostly striking. What I was wondering is, if someone who knows Tang Soo Do, was attacked on the streets by someone who knows just as much of another striking form of martial arts, would someone who knows Tang Soo Do fare will in defending themselves? Or is Tang Soo Do more just for show, and useless when it really comes time to defend themselves? Thanks.

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Thank you. The school I am looking at, the head instructor has been in it for 25 years. So I am assuming this school is good. I was just curious how well this style works in self defense situations.

Thanks for the help!

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ive read about tsd in black belt mag and researched it on the net as well as downloaded some demos and sparring sessions. it seems pretty effective. i asked my instructor about it and he said good things about it and i trust his opinion. let us know what you think after a few classes.

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It's not that any particular style is more or less effective than another style. It is more about the quality of the instructor teaching you, and the intent with which you train.

Find a good instructor and train hard, and the rest should take care of itself.

What you will find though is that different styles emphasize different aspects of the training at different levels. For example, at an intermediate level a TSD stylist will be a better striker than a judo or mma stylist, while at the same time the judo or mma stylist will be a better grappler / joint manipulator than the TSD stylist. Things will begin to even out as both styles get higher in rank, but keep in mind that there are vast differences in the first few years of training.

The best advice I can give you is to find a style that is appropriate for what you are hoping to gain. It might take some trial and error to find exactly what you are looking for, but when you find it you'll know that it is right.

BTW, if you want to, private message me the name of the studio in NJ that you are looking into, I probably know the instructor if they have been in it for that long.

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Also, this place teaches American Kickboxing, and Japanese Ju Jitsu.

While I was looking at BJJ and Muay Thai, because I would like to compete in MMA in the future, the nearest gym to me that has all that is pretty far.

This place has JJJ but seems like they enjoy working alot of ground work. And I am not sure how useful American Kickboxing training would be for someone who wants to get into MMA. I know Muay Thai is really effective. Not sure how good American or Joe Lewis style is.

The Tang Soo Do comes with the price of everything else,a nd I thought it may help with stand up fighting.

Basically, I am looking for something that will be effective in real fight situations.


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In my experince. It has been very efective in definding my self.But That is because of the way my gm has us train.I fell if you train relisticly and spar realisticly youll de prepared for what ever life brings you.Weather it be nother martil artist.Or just a thug.

But in geniarel.TSD is one of the most well rounded ma,s out there.Because of this you will learn evrything froum striking to grapling.At least we do in my assos i belong too.Aslo it is and entirnial art so you will learn proper use of ki energy.Wich will also tramindesly help in a street situation.And in everyday life.

Also if you find a Quality instructor.who has presvrd tradishional tsd.youl find it to be very combat afective.For the simple fact youl train tradisonaly.Hard on the body hard on the mind good for the spirit.

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chun kuk do is pretty much tang soo do, but with a little tae kwon do, BJJ, judo mixed in and its never failed me

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