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I've been struggling with bad posture for a while now and constantly find myself slumping. Although my posture has improved greatly but just straightening up whenever I'm slumping, I still have lackluster posture. Will martial arts help this? It seems like it would, just wanted to know for sure from people who have experience with ma.

Also, can ma help with focus? Like at work I seem to always forget something or not totally focus on whatever I'm doing. Could ma help with this as well?

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if you are seriously into martial arts it will help your posture, also it will help your focus. as long as you choose a good studio with good instructors and not some fly by night organization then you should be good. but remember the martial arts can only guide you, you have to show the dedication and determination in order for it to work

good luck

"Bushido is realized in the presence of death"

"TapouT or PassouT"


To be honestly I have always had poor posture, especially while sitting. I have now been doing karate for 9 years. My posture is still very bad... except when practicing karate. I guess it depends on if you want to improve your posture or not.

As far as focus, yes martial arts has helped me with my focus, as well as many many other things. But not my posture.

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein

Posted (edited)

As Flanagan states there are many ways to improve posture. I slumped when I was younger (10 or so) but then I started training singing and that made all the difference.

But yes, MA helps with posture, balance, coordination and a host of other things, but you have to work for it, it doesn't come free.

Edited by A. Orstrom

The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence,

but in the mastery of his passions.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson


seems to be a concern for you so your posture will probably improve a little before you know it. practice at it be hard on yourself until it sticks!! good luck. oh and yeah!! martial arts has helped my posture but mainly when i train. it helps everything.

be polite, be patient, be alert, be brave, do your best, respect yourself and others.

"you may knock me down 100 times but i am resilliant and will NEVER GIVE UP"

  Rateh said:
To be honestly I have always had poor posture, especially while sitting. I have now been doing karate for 9 years. My posture is still very bad... except when practicing karate. I guess it depends on if you want to improve your posture or not.

All too true! :lol:

I had to lose my mind to come to my senses.


I like Rateh have always had poor posture. I really slump while I am sitting. You know what is funny, after I read the post I tried sitting straight because I was really slumped :lol: I do have good posture when I train though. I have noticed that when I am watching in the mirrors to better my technique.

My focus has always been an issue with me. I do think that MA has improved it, but I could get better. Just recently though, my instructor told me that my focus had improved some. "Some" :roll: I will keep trying to improve both.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.


I've always had good posture, but my focus has definatly increased since I've started MA.

"One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say."

- Will Durant


I have the same problem probaly because im slouched over the computer all the time, but my Aikido training requires a straight back to get full power from the techniques as a bent back make alot of difference when throwing someone, it also gives the opponent an advantage, an example is this try it if you want: try with someone and tell them to put their clinched fist to your head and then tell them to keep it their (with your back not straight) - then make your back straight and see how far away the clinch fist is from your face. In a fight this can make all the difference as a punch in the face can hurt alot.

http://jedimc.tripod.com/ma.html - what MA do you do, this is my poll.

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