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Homemade Weapons


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Does anyone here Know of any Websites or have any information on homemade Weapons(specifically Throwing Stars)? I Found some information on how to make cheesy ones,But I'd Like to know how they were Traditionally made. Thanks.

Brown Belt-Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan


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Hahaha "back in the day" we used to make shuriken by cutting them out of a piece of heavy sheet metal, then sharpening the edge with a knife sharpening stone.


Kids with access to the metalwork/indutrial arts rooms could make much better stars than my own hand cut and sharpened ones...


Of course, this was before they were declared illegal here, and now they can't be bought or imported at all.


Most of the traditional ones I've seen on the web look like they're cast from molten metal to me, then sharpened later... could be wrong though. In any case I don't see why they couldn't be cut and sharpened from appropriate sheet metal, with some basic hardware store machinery.


Hmm... when I was young I used to have a thing for weapons, particularly ancient and "fantastic" types (never guns or bombs). Some of the things I remember making were flails (2 different types, one with a heavy duty triple chain, another lighter triple chain with polished "natural" wood, leather bound hilt, copper bands with tolkien style dwarven runes), knife (pretty bodgy with a bamboo handle), shuriken, caveman style club with stone bound to top of branch, leather sling (traditional style with thong and rock in pouch, swung around and released - man this thing could hurl a rock!), and of course the bo/quarterstaff (aka broomhandle).


I don't have any of this stuff now, and some of them are probably banned, but every now and then I walk through a hardware store and let my imagination run riot... some weapons can be made SO easily, from simple, ready made items. :roll:

KarateForums.com - Sempai

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I agree with Taikudo, that making them in a shop clas or something would be fun and easy.



"Which one is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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I be careful about making them at a school type environment. yeah they got alot of tools to help make weapons but with the way schools are today(zero tolerance) or the posibilty that somewould would steal the weapon you made and use it against someone. could make you liable for the crime he commited. just be extremly careful.


I got a website that explains how to make nunchucks but i dont know if its okey to post so i wont.

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Just what kinda wepon are you wanting to make. I have a couple of sites you might want, more projectiles and inceneraries that anything.


Its only funny until someone gets hurt. Then its hilarious.

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With all the "Minors" who frequent these forums I thinkwe should be very careful when giving out advice such as as how to make weapons. I can see the newspaper headlines now...


"13 year old learns how to make deadly throwing stars on internet then kills classmate"


They would shut us down for sure.


Just a thought.




2nd Degree Black Belt : Doce Pares Eskrima https://www.docepares.co.uk

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Hehe back in the day kids could order this stuff off the back of "Ninja Today" or whatever it was... :razz:


We had no internet and it didn't stop us from making all sorts of crazy stuff.




M'Kay Kiddies, listen up... this stuff is the relic of a bygone era, OK. It is probably illegal in your area... like absinthe, cocaine in coca-cola, and cigarettes to cure your asthma and stomach troubles, they are probably no longer recommended for consumption by anyone anywhere.



KarateForums.com - Sempai

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