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Have you ever LOST a fight

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Just a topic of if yu ever lost a fight or not.

I one time when I was 13 went to school and I was Ill, so my enemy took advantage of that and beat me, but then the day after with an oppurtunity (he swore at me because he thought he could beat me) I smacked him in the face and all other things and made him cry for my revenge. ...... and that was the only time because I was Ill

A drop of sweat spent in practice is a drop of blood saved in a battle.

A person who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the man doing it.

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i lose lots of fights.

last month i was put in a match with a guy who is probably twice my weight and more than twice my ability, more or less in an attempt to get me more aggressive (reasoning being that the big guy can just suck whatever i chuck at him so i was pretty much free to chuck whatever i could at him).

needless to say, i was completely out (kick)boxed.

another session, i was the "big guy" for a kid who just started to go into the heavier contact sparring. I was just moving around to get him used to hitting someone and well, i guess i shoulda put up more of a fight cos i got tagged so many times.... My neck actually hurt down to the number of clean shots to my head i allowed in, not to mention an accidental kick to the groin.

another time i was partnered with a guy who wanted to practice take downs at competition pace. I'm not a competition fighter but i'm also by no means completely useless. Well.... against the type of take downs he wanted to do I was. Again, totally outclassed and lots of pain.

on average, i lost at least one match up a week but that's more or less down to how we are paired up for matches (so everyone gets a good workout)

of course, these aren't the same things you're talking about. Then again, i don't call school scuffles when you're 13 proper fights.

earth is the asylum of the universe where the inmates have taken over.

don't ask stupid questions and you won't get stupid answers.

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I'll ignore the whole theres no winner or loser, or picking at if it was real life or not. I havnt lost any shotokan matches yet, I've lost some muay thai matches, but I didn't have alot of time to win or lose more.

With my friends that I spar with I've only lost to one friend many times, now we are even in skill because I train harder, while he relied on life experiance to use with combat.

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst"

William Penn

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Nope, those who fight with their fists lose automatically, because they've already loss the battle with their mind.

I've won most of mine.

If you take a crooked path and have to go through a cliff. Either hope there is a bridge, or learn to fly.

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I have never lost a fight but I have not been in any. The fights i have been in all i did was block and then they gave up but i never got hit. the only time i did hit someone in a fight was when he was punching my brother in the face.( he was 5 years older than my brother) No one absolutly no one messes with my brother. I went over their and started punching him in the back because he was knelt over. I stopped when he ran in my house because then my mother told me to stop. all he did was cower and run. I was in a fight with him before that and he was acting all bad and all I did was block and then he said "better be glad you aint on the ground next time you wont be so lucky" and then the next day is when he hit my brother and that showed him.

Questions e-mail me at:

one_with_fire_rusioka@yahoo.com :kaioken:

"Now the valiant can fight; the cautious can defend, and the wise counsel. Thus there is none whose talent is wasted."

-Li Ch'uan-

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As a kid, just one. But the only fights I've been in were to protect my sister and my brother. Both can't fight, and my sister is smaller than me (even though she's older). All it took was one well placed punch.

Since I've been in MA, lots. Usually against someone more experienced than myself. I got my backside kicked in by three 3rd dans, one 2nd dan, and a couple 1st dans (I'm a 1st gup). But I knew it was going to happen, so I put up a good fight eventhough I knew I was getting a beating.

But outside of MA, I had to fight once in a SD situation. I won (I thank God for that one).

Laurie F

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Nope, those who fight with their fists lose automatically, because they've already loss the battle with their mind.


So true. But there's a huge difference between kids fighting in a school yard or ball field or alley, adults slugging it out, and an organized event.

I don't like this thread as it has the high probability of going into all of these areas and becoming a mess.

My thoughts are that I'm too old to fight with kids. (and yes I had several when I was younger, and the only one that I "lost" was when I was jumped by a group, and even then I managed to come out ok). I try to avoid bars and other scenes with higher probabilities of trouble (drunks fighting), and I'm not into sports martial arts. So the only fighting I do in internal, and it's a constant battle. By this I mean as we get older, some days it's easy and everything is geat. Others, the body and mind just don't do what their told. And some times it's just back and forth.

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I've lost several street fights. Even after training for awhile I got into a road rage thing with a guy and he started shoving and punching me...I might have lost had not a nice bystander broken it up...the guy had already knocked off my glasses. Not a moment I'm proud of. Generally I blame losses on the fact that I'm fat...but in all probability it's cause I just got beaten. Unfortunately it's a fact of life that on your best day you can be beaten by someone far worse than you on their worst day. Training helps but sometimes it's just luck.

Long Live the Fighters!

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As a kid in grade/jr high school, I used to get beat up a lot (I was small and loudmouthed). When I got to HS and fought back, I still lost, but they stopped picking on me.

I've never gotten into a "regular" fight since I started taking MA (And stopped mouthing off so much, what a coincidence!), and I win most of my sparring matches, but by no means am I unbeatable. :D


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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yep several

Kendo is like starwars and everyone gets to be Darth Vader.

"Luke, I am your sensei"

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