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Tough Decision

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I just wanted to say how much Martial arts could have possibly saved my life.

I made a decision with long time friends who I've seen taking drugs(heavy ones) and living without care and so unstressted. One of which gave up martial arts for and was very talented. I was offered last night, what made it more climatic was my class(shotokan) was around the same time they were going to do intoxicate themselves.

Perhaps if it wasn't for the discipline I've received from Karate, I might have made the decision to join them, but I just couldn't...(theses were heavy ones too)

I was forced into martial arts, I'd like to see someone force me out.

My point is that if you ever question why you participate in your martial art class(I sometimes do), possibly this experiance can be shared as an example as to why we participate in a impossible indeavor, I hope it could help you reflect on your training.

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst"

William Penn

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Drugs are used as a means to retreat from your problems while martial arts teaches you to face your problems and to conquer them.

Everyone faces hard times in their lives and if you retreat from them, the problems only increase but if you face your problems, you will eventually resolve them.

What works works

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Drugs are used as a means to retreat from your problems while martial arts teaches you to face your problems and to conquer them.

Everyone faces hard times in their lives and if you retreat from them, the problems only increase but if you face your problems, you will eventually resolve them.

He is right and so are you.

everyone has fear, but it is when we let it overcome us that we lose

soft, hard, slow, fast components of kata

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Good thread. I do have to say if I didn't get into MA, I'd probably be like your friends. I don't know if you guys ever heard of the band Shinedown. They have a song called "Save Me." It's about a drug addict that lives in a hallway of some building, homeless, ect. Everytime I hear that song, I am thankful that I did not end up like that. I don't know if I ever would have gotten to that point, but the song just makes me realize how lucky I was to NOT end up like that. 80% of the reason why is MA.

I can sit back and look at the old me (before MA), and me now .... BIG difference.

Laurie F

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Congratulations.... right choice.

You've made the decision most people can't even seem to make when they are much older.

I can understand drinking and smoking.... personally I hate both but I don't mind of other people do them.

But I consider drinking and drugs as a tool for people who don't know how to have fun or do much productive with their lives.

I understand they are addictive but I've known people who have quit both drinking and other drugs completely cold turkey and be O.K.....so "addiction" is in some cases an excuse to keep having fun and ruining your life.

all the best,


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I have to be the grinch here, MA is what it is for different people. Some people take drugs and train, some people train to learn how to kill, some people train to get fit. MA for you prevented you from taking drugs, but MA only enhances what character you already have. I know people who take beta blockers before comps, they learn the same art from the same sensei and where taught the same dicipline I was, I dont now, nor ever will take drugs!

Just something to think about!


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My point is that if you ever question why you participate in your martial art class(I sometimes do), possibly this experiance can be shared as an example as to why we participate in a impossible indeavor, I hope it could help you reflect on your training.

Great post. I think we all go through periods where we question all the time effort and sacrifice that we give to do our art. At times, it can be very hard. Getting passed over for a promotion, or knowing that you have another year or two to your next one can be tough. Getting chewed out by your Sensei or seeing friends quit just makes it hard. And heaven forbid you get hurt and can't train for an extended period, this can really test your will. Those who are determined make it through. Some quit and come back, and many don't.

One question that I had for you was the comment that said that you were "forced" to study martial arts. How was this?

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One question that I had for you was the comment that said that you were "forced" to study martial arts. How was this?

Ah, I may have exagerrated the meaning of that part, However its somewhat true. My father was in Shotokan while he was a kid, and he was insitant that I find a martial art. I went around to a kenpo class, it didn't quite suit me, then a Tae Kwon do class, and I really didn't enjoy that in the least. I got to Shotokan which I had expected to be a complete "mcdojo", but turned out I really enjoyed the first few days, of course when I got into the real classes(not beginner class) I was totaly discouraged and almost quit. Luckly when I told my parents I had wanted to quit, they wouldn't hear of it, and it wasn't discussed again.

I think the main reason why they wanted me to take a marital art was control, I was always "rough housing" with friends and we always got carried away, although I would have expected the opposite result.

I hope thats a sound response.

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst"

William Penn

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yea without martial arts i would of joined a gang selling drugs or worst, martial arts also helps me keep my extrem temper in check *wew* is it bad, and it helps me with bad aspects of life :D

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"

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