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seriously offended

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i appreciate the feedback, and everyone is right, why does it matter what other people say, it doesn't really, but its unnerving to have that said to you, and in alot of ways it not that art that makes someone good, its how you train, and in my case i spend 7 days a week at Tae Kwon Do. so i take it to heart. but i will try to keep in mind everything that has been posted.



nomatter what it be, will power and heart produces great things

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Getting angry to the point that you mentioned risks putting you in their league. Everyone is intitled to their opinion even if it is wrong. Some people feel that they need to be better than anyone else. They try to blow out everyone else's candles so that their's shines brighter.

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt

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There isn't a problem if it makes you feel somewhat upset. But if you let it affect you to the point where it has a negative impact on your life, you are letting other people take control of your life.

ichi-go ichi-e


one encounter, one chance

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By walking away and not caring what those so called "martial artist" say about your style shows what kind of a Martial Artist that you have become. I have not trained in TKD. I train solely Shotokan. We were taught to never criticize other MA. I do not, but I have to say that I have seen "McDojo's" in every style not just TKD. Also when I go to tournaments, it is the TKD person wiping up the places in sparring. Nicely represented. Anyone who takes martial arts should be highly commended for doing so, as long as they are humble.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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i'd like too say that i deon't get offended at stuff like that, our divission is going through the same thing, if you read the history in our guest book at younwha.com you'll see someone who calls them selves "real martial arts" knocking our grandmaster and saying everything he can to provoke a conflict. he has yet to identify himself though. i get mad, i'm human. its how we react. one of our masters seen it not long ago and replied with an invitation to compete in one of our tournements.

we are all human and i don't mind admitting that if someone offends me, the first thing i want to do is deffend what i beleive in. i dont shrug it off like everyone says, instead i let it fuel me in my training knowing that one day i will maybe have a chance to compete with someone who thinks poorly of the younwha system. and win or lose by the time its over they will have changed their mind. i don't think that i've seen it happen at one of our tournies. also if they are talkin trash it gives a good view of their schools lack of values and training princeples. (yeah i cant spell) but i can kick lol.

be polite, be patient, be alert, be brave, do your best, respect yourself and others.

"you may knock me down 100 times but i am resilliant and will NEVER GIVE UP"

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I seem to recall that back in the day Karate began and ended with respect.

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt

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I think that it is very common for people to get very defensive of their school and style. We train so hard and put a lot of stock into something that has many rival schools and styles.

You suck-train harder.......................Don't block with your face

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.

-Lao Tzu

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I think that mostly due to pride, most everynoe will think that their style/school is the best.

While it is good to feel proud of your style, it is a shame to knock other styles. Personally it doesn't bug me if other knock TKD or any other particular style becasue it just shows that they are if fact ignorant. Going a few rounds with a TKD master should change their mind.

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I understand, I would be offended too. And I have a lot of appreciation for all martial styles, new, old, eastern, and western.

Most of these guys are right, no need to get too worked up over it.

You have to ignore the idiots, and there are a lot of them.

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